My thoughts this evening are on something I wrote about for an - TopicsExpress


My thoughts this evening are on something I wrote about for an essay in my Eng.Comp class, The topic I chose is Media censorship. Please take a moment to read my essay, if it strikes a chord with you please comment as you feel inclined to do. Thanks for your thoughts and time. Regards Bob Louden Media censorship the First step to a dictatorship by Robert Louden Posted by Robert Louden at Thursday, March 27, 2014 9:18:55 PM EDT With the advent of the data mining being practiced by agencies within our government it is paramount that we as a people and a nation maintain a free press. The ability of the average person to read about issues of local, state and national importance is more vital now than ever. A free press and access to unbiased reporting to events that not only support and shape our nation today but also help determine the future of our children.It is not only a guarantee of our rights being safe guarded today but will continue to ensure that open discussion of any topic will always be part of what makes our country great. A free press is necessary for the distribution of multiple view points and the discussion it allows for all members of society to engage in, if they choose to do so.This discussion of any topic by anyone and everyone is one of the defining issues, of what we as a people face today. Freedom of speech will help to shape the destiny and future of this nation. This nation was founded on certain principles and concepts and were forever engraved upon the hearts all free peoples of the earth, in a document we call the Constitution. Our Rights, according to those wise men that crafted the constitution, were granted by God and not by man. These rights will never be open for control by government. The importance of the Constitution, our Constitution, can not be under valued nor demeaned. The Constitution, is in fact the supreme law of the land and that one fact can not be emphasized enough. The right to have freedom of speech is one of the corner stones that this nation was founded upon. People from all around the world yearn for the freedoms that we as American citizens enjoy and many times, take for granted. Imagine living in a country where if you speak out in disagreement with the ruling political party or ruling dictator your life and the lives of your family would be at stake. This is not a supposition, this is a factual occurance in many parts of the world today. The simple act of disagreeing with the ruling person or party, the act of speaking out can cost you your life!Worse it can cost the lives of all of your family. That is tyranny and it is practiced in many locations around the world. This is to put a fine point on it, exactly why we have to protect the freedom of speech with determination and unblinking mindfulness. Censorship is the first step towards tyranny, destruction of rights begins with censorship. The responsible use of freedom of speech is not to be taken lightly, it is common place in our country to be bombarded constantly by electronic media from one group or another with their particular message and all of those groups attempting to claim moral high ground with their message. This presents a slippery slope to all of us as a free people. Are there limits or boundaries that we impose on our selves as a nation to protect ourselves from ourselves? Do we as a free people impose rules or laws that define what is up for discussion or off limits? Do we agree to only discuss topics that are important to one group but not another? Do we outlaw any disagreement with the current political party darlings or group dejour? The disagreement and agreement of peoples and the discussion that is generated by these topics are what makes this the one place on the planet, that many people from all over the world risk everything to make their way here by any means available so that they may live in a free society. The difficult position that we as a people find ourselves in, has never been more paramount than it is right now. Since September 11 2001 we as a nation have been under constant attack, the continuous efforts by groups from all over the world have heightened the need to be more vigilant than ever, to protect ourselves from those that would visit mass death and destruction upon us as a nation. This hatred of us as a people is widely known, the porous nature of our society makes it very difficult task for those that work to safe guard us. A task that has no down time, no breaks and no time limit. For this line of thought to dove tale into this essay we must look beyond the obvious benefits of freedom of speech and look at the broader implications of what this right means to those that do not share our passion for freedom. The ability to speak out against an oppressive regime is unheard of in many nations. Our ability to criticize not only our government but other forms of governments and leaders from around the world is what is hated by those that do not share our beliefs. Many would say that we are not under attack, as no serious event or attack has happened on American soil since 9-11. This is only correct in that no attack on American soil has occurred yet. The facts are that more attacks have occured all over the world and these attacks have been either directly or indirectly directly aimed at our nation or our friends.These attacks are unrelenting and will not cease.....ever. These attacks are symptoms of hatred directed against us as a people by those that despise us and long for our destruction. Our freedom of speech is one of the things that are most hated, and those that hate us will repress by any means those that seek to have the freedom of speech. The next time that anyone sees a cemetery where veterans are buried, think about those that lay at rest there. These people gave their lives, so that we as a people can continue to enjoy the right to argue about our freedoms. These people paid the ultimate price for a right that many today do not think about nor consider relevant. There are those that are serving in high elected office today, that believe that the common person is not intelligent enough to understand the Constitution or the freedoms written down for all mankind every where to see and hope for, and in fact have stated this publicly. The ability to be free as a person and a people, rests forever upon our understanding of just how fragile and precious this one freedom really is. Freedom of speech is what defines forever what this nation is really about. The ideal of the common man having as much right to speak his or her mind about any subject ,be it great or trivial is what separates the United States of America from every other nation on the face of this earth. As long as we as a people diligently guard our right to freedom of speech then we will continue to enjoy all of the other rights forever recorded in our Constitution.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 01:43:34 +0000

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