My utmost support and respect to the civil disobedience movement - TopicsExpress


My utmost support and respect to the civil disobedience movement in Hong Kong. My thoughts: 1. Get a leader, get organized, and get a core platform or you will fade away like Occupy wall street. You need a Martin Luther King to voice your ideals; If you dont get organized and disciplined, or some idiots in your camp are going to do something stupid and give your enemy an excuse to shoot; You cant bargain with your govnt without knowing what you HAVE to demand, and what you can afford to concede to make a deal. Sadly, I dont see much of any of those elements on the news. 2. Fight for realistic, INCREMENTAL changes instead of total realization of your ideals. Independence is unrealistic, Shut down of tourism is unrealistic. Try to ask your mom for $10 vs $1000, you will know the difference. Win your battle one at a time. 3. Maximize your allies and dont alienate your potential friends. Sorry, I was born in canton, I am a Chinese, I AM a 强国人 by technicality. I am too proud to label myself anything else. BUT I dont agree with our central govnt, and I am sure many Chinese arent happy with it either and MAY support your cause. I have seen more than a few Hongers lash out their overgeneralized hatred or disgust at the people, the land instead of the government machine and that surely doesnt help to win friends. MLK or Mandela never preached hatred toward White people, not only because it is a right thing, but also because they knew the potential support they can get from those who look like enemies but are not. Political struggle is all about leverage and self interest. Brute force works. Wisdom works, too. I cant say may the force with you. May the wisdom with you.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:41:03 +0000

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