Mystical practical application neophyte degree AMORC; Take a - TopicsExpress


Mystical practical application neophyte degree AMORC; Take a drinking glass about 2” in diameter and about half full of good bottled water, put both hands around it so thumbs and fingers touch. Put the glass against your solar plexus area (about an inch to the right of your heart and a couple down. Close your eyes and meditate on the water, visualizing that there is spiritual energy coming through your fingers into the water, do this for about 5 minutes each morning upon rising, then drink the water slowly with your hands still around the glass. This is one of the first experiments I did faithfully during my neophyte years every morning without fail. After some years past, one morning as I meditated on the water, I opened my eyes and saw the water vibrating at a very high level, there is no way I could have shaken the glass to produce such an effect. About 25 years later I was living in northern California, and behind the house was an old open garage with a wood pile on the side and weeded area in the back of the garage. I started noticing a semi-wild tom cat that was sitting on top of the wood pile listening for mice in the weeds to catch, whenever it saw me it would immediately run away. So I began very slowly coming into it’s sight, stop and kneel down, just watching it, until eventually it got use to me being some distance away. A little at a time I got closer and closer, until after over a year of patience, the cat would actually trust me enough to let me sit next to it, all this time I also talked to the cat in a soft voice. Then one day I slowly reached over and very softly stroked its back. It’s very possible that I was the 1st human to do this. I continued to pet the cat to its enjoyment, and all of a sudden the entire body of the cat started to vibrate, not shake, but actually vibrate like it was standing on a vibrating chair! From then on it was like I was the cats best friend, and he even rid my trash can area of the rats, by jumping off the roof of the house at night to kill them one at a time, and always the tail of the rat was on my doorstep in the morning! Another 15 years or so passed and I was living in San Jose California. One of my good friends was a Vietnam lady who had 3 children, and worked as a hairdresser just down the street from my house. We became such good friends that she adopted me as her Mom when I was 57 years old, and it wasn’t until a few years later that we both realized that her real Mom died in Vietnam during the war, when she was 57 years old. Anytime there was a family Vietnamese family get together, she always invited me, and I was the only Caucasian at the party and I was highly respected by everyone. At one of these get gatherings I was in the kitchen with all the ladies sitting on a sofa, as they were chatting away in their native language. One of the ladies there had twin boys, not able to really walk yet, and they crawled over to the sofa and stood up. I played some baby games with them until a point was reached that they felt I was safe enough to come over and check me out. Eventually one twin was on one side of me and the other on the opposite. I did some baby talk with them, funny faces and such that only infants comprehend, and all of a sudden both of them at the same time began vibrating, like the cat did, and as they vibrated they also laughed out of control. A short time later the 3 of us were sitting on the floor between the kitchen and living room, and I had come up with an infant game only they would enjoy, which I had them laughing out of control, then all of a sudden I noticed all of the ladies were standing around us three, wondering how I was able to get these infants to laugh so much. Most infants who are under say 3 years old, have you ever noticed that when they have your attention, often they will be pointing over there at something, but you see nothing over there? Just what are they pointing at perhaps what our sight is no longer able to see?
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:24:57 +0000

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