NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIAN STUDENTS (NANS) ZONE-D (SOUTH-WEST) COMMUNIQUE/ PRESS RELEASE “HOME TRUTH” Rising from her emmergency NANS Zone-D congress on 14th July, 2013 by 6:00pm at EACOED, Oyo, the Association has resolved to pass vote of no confidence on President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and declare state of emmergency in education sector. The above named Association which is the umbrella body for all tertiary institutions of higher learning and mouth-piece for entire Nigerian Students in South-West of Nigeria, Zone-D, the most ideological and the most revolutionary Zone of NANS, has condemned the on- going ASUP/ASUU strike in totality, we frown at the federal govenment insensitive altitudes towards the demands of the striking workers and also use this medium to call on Mr. Ebele Jonathan to wake up from his slumber and respond to the demands of the varsity teachers. This is high time for Federal Govenment of Nigeria led by GEJ to mend the past, make the present and move to the future instead of running after the Nigeria Governor’s Forum (NGF) election and scheming for 2015 presidential election, Mr. President must show that he truely love this country and he doesn’t want its collapse, “...Nigeria tethers at the brink of collapse, why?”, Mr. President must think responsibly and put things in order because we can not fold our hands and allow any government to ruin our future. Revolutionary Messages: We declare war against Dr. Goodluck Unfeeling, Impersonal and Mechanistic Leadership Styles and Agenda. The NANS ZONE-D Leadership unanimously resolved to give Federal Govenment two weeks ultimatum to meet up with the ASUP/ASUU demands, the ultimatum starts on Monday 15th July, 2013 and lapses/end call for protest of Revolution on Monday, 29th July, 2013. If the Federal Government fails to meet up with demands or come up with amicable resolution of the matters. NOTE: the convergence point, updates and other pieces of information as regard the “ Protest of Revolution” will be communicated to the concerned by the ideological sign languages as time goes on. Home truth to Academic and Labour Unions: Martin Luther King (Jnr) said that “ our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matters”, it is now matter that the Academic and Labour Unions must spear-head the Revolution of Liberationin this country rather than incessant demands of peanuts from what majorly belong to them but continually stolen by the robbers and rogues in Government. The devidends that the so called Government People always collect back in multiple by imperfect price control mechanism and inflation. Majority of Nigerian masses that are homeless and that can not even enjoy three square meal in a day has no co-ordinated platform like ASUP/ ASUU and NLC/TUC, so the unions must carry this as their cross and the students/ students leadership are ever ready to deliver all the struggles machineries that are at our disposal. Now, it is a challenge, we want to hear the voices of the unions beyond the time they want things from Government or there is fuel scarcity, also we want them to embark on industrial action when any Government want to implement sky-rocketted school fees policy and when there is proscription of Students Union and expulsion /suspension of students/ students leaders on our various campuses. Nigeria needs total liberation/ revolutionary change, the Unions have resources of struggle to contribute and Nigeria Students /masses are ready to work together with the unions. President Goodluck and current politicians are stark failures and we must tell them the“home truth” VIVA VICTORY. Signed: Adeyemo Monsuru .T. (Socrates) Co-ordinator
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:37:41 +0000

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