NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western - TopicsExpress


NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe” and “Who Bombed the World Trade Center – 1993 MOSSAD and FBI linked” 1. /false-flag.html 2. From The Benghazi Murders To The Connecticut Murders: The Lone Nut Scenario Of Obama’s CIA MK-Ultra Program, Operation Gladio: Who REALLY Killed The Connecticut Children? John Pilger gives evidence and examples of terrorism by the International Monetary Fund: The video documentary series is titled: “The New Rulers of the World” “The Corporate Takeover of Indonesia” youtube/watch?v=igp9g- AlQ_g&feature=related Secrets of the Gulf War, Oil, Saddam Hussein, Hypocrisy and Unknown History of Kuwait (1991) youtube /watch?v=-7eurP-t3Z0 Zionists want you to believe, that they are the choosen people and “Israel” is the land of their so-called birthright. Their symbol is 2 overlapping triangels known as the Morgan David or Star of David. Not the David of the Bible or Qu’ran, but of David Al-roy a 12th century false prophet. Before he became known a David Al-roy his name was Menahem born in Khazaria (Caucasus Mountains). His father, Solomon Ben Duji began this movement by sending letters to the “jews” stating that Palestine was their birthright, he later took the name Elijah and said his son was the Messiah. In 1527 the Jews of Prague began to use the Star of David (David Al-roy) as their Flag a pentagram or “Seal of Solomon” Later used by Freemason/Zionist Theodor Herzl in 1898 at the start of the modern Zionist Movement. Usurping By The Banking Cabalists The Name Of Jew 1. The Power Of The Rothschild State: The Hijacked Name Of Jew By The Khazar Banking Cartel. 2. Understanding Rothschild: The Divide And Conquer Of The Khazars ~ But Now For The Banks. Documented Examples of Israeli False Flag Terrorism: Documented Israeli false flag operations of the past. The material has gone mostly unreported, which reveals how well ‘dummied‐down’ mainstream media coverage is. youtube /watch?v=iPf1PxKL_1o youtube /watch?v=TJgv39GtcJ0 Israeli false flag on its own Buenos Aires Embassy youtube /watch?v=puQPQ4UFzDE USS Liberty Survivors Expose Israeli Terrorism youtube /watch?v=mPBaYumP9hM Fomenting Hate ~ Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Crucifies Egyptian Christians! Israeli air-force jets and navy ships attacked the USS Liberty and the event was swept under the carpet. The plan was to attack the ship, blame it on Egypt, and thus entice Americans to join Israel in a war to take down Egypt…unfortunately for the Israeli/US Administration, the USS Liberty didn’t sink and personnel survived to tell the tale: 1. Congressmen: Obama ‘Reckless’ to Arm Egypt with TAXPAYER’S F-16 Fighter Jets 2. Egypt: Obama sends Muslim Brotherhood rulers more TAXPAYER’S tanks… 3. US Sends Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi 20 F-16 Jets – Middle East … A more detailed interview with USS Liberty survivors: youtube /watch?v=DuS06aENHNs or here: youtube /watch?v=4118r-E3dA8 4 parts The Israeli Attack on the USS Cole: /~gbpprorg/judicial- inc/USS_Cole_prelude_Iran.htm or here: /gillespie1.html How Israel Empowers Islamic Movements: - by URI AVNERY, an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. /30/how-israel-empowers-islamist- movements/ US Military Intelligence Caught in the Act of Planning Terror Op: 1. JFK Killed Just Days After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Fed Reserve In 1963: Secret Memo Shows President Signed Executive Orders EO-11 And EO-110! ORDERS ARE STILL IN FORCE BUT NOT ENFORCED!!! A potential ‘False flag terrorist op” was stopped by John F. Kennedy when he discovered that US military intelligence was planning to bomb one of their own military bases or a civilian airliner and blame it on the Cubans ….in order to garner support of Americans to war on Cuba. The plan was called “Operation Northwoods” Look it up on your search engine. 1. /articles/NOR111A.html 2. The Obama Dead Pool & Kill List! 3. CIA Is And Always Has Been An Arm Of The Rothschilds: Kennedy Rejects CIA Terrorist FALSE FLAG Attack On American Cities! The continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947: whatyoushouldknowaboutraw.blogspot. ca/ Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than One Shooter on Island; Oslo Police Drilled Bomb Blasts; Was It NATO’s Revenge for Norway’s Decision to Stop Bombing Libya? by Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. attacks-a-false-flag/ Oslo False Flag Confirmed: Police Told To Stand Down: usahitman/oslo-ff/ Barney Frank Kurt Haskell Exposes False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing: This false flag event was used to create more fear in the mindset of the general public, and ultimately bring in the airport ‘screening’ system. usahitman/ffop-ubomberkh/ James Holmes Aurora, Colorado Both Colorado Theater and Sikh Temple Shootings were Staged False Flag psy-ops: 1. blissful-wisdom /both-colorado-theater-and-sikh- temple-shootings-were-staged- false-flag-psy-ops.html 2. The Connection Between London’s 2012 Olympics & The Aurora, Colorado Blood Sacrifice! Someone let the gunman inside the Colorado movie theater: It was well a planned psy-ops used to justify gun confiscation laws…ie: the gunman was not alone, could not afford expensive arsenal and weaponry, and had no knowledge of setting up intricate military explosives. 1. beforeitsnews/politics /2012/07/the-political- consequences-of-the-not-so-alone- lone-theater-gunman-2443902.html 2. A Potential Deadly Aurora Movie Massacre In Texas Is Prevented By Concealed Carry Citizen: Police Do NOT Owe A Duty To Protect! or here: 1. beforeitsnews/9-11- and-ground-zero/2012/07/someone- let-the-gunman-inside-the-colorado- movie-theater-it-was-a-well- planned-psy-ops-2433730.html 2. Feinstein’s Benghazi Massacre: The Answer Is Mandatory Gun Ownership For Ages 21 Years And Older Why the Colorado judge puts a gag order on the evidence? What are they so afraid of ? Strange to me. This is just reinforcing my suspicions: 1. abcnews.go:80 /US/wireStory/colo-judge-issues- gag-order-theater-shooting- 16840292 2. Two Gun Manufacturers Killed In Two Days No Answers: Russia Warns America That Obama Death Squads Fan Out Across The U.S. As Gun Rebellion Looms! Why would the courts and the FBI, use an obvious look-alike as substitute for the real James Holmes? Why are the courts and FBI framing the real James Holmes? Here is some photo analysis of James Holmes photo and a photo of the look-alike character who came to court. (Note the differences between the ears and the nose) 1. thelawcourt/libor- manipulation-set-to- be-investigated-by-the-serio… 2. Corporate Media’s Ban On Unfavorable Gun-Control Data! Also, is it not interesting that the, not alone, ”lone” gunman commits this crime just as his honest father is about to allegedly testify against the Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner in Libor scandal, and then he shows up at the hearing drugged out of his mind. I mean, how does a jailed ‘detainee’ come into being ‘drugged’? It sounds like he is being drugged, set-up, framed, and his father is being marginalized and humiliated….all in one fell swoop. 1. truthiscontagious/ 2012/07/26/james-holmes-likel y-murders-overshadow-father-r obert-holmes-libor-testimony 2. democraticundergro und/10021025002 3. Obama Feinstein Silent: Rahm Emanuel’s Largest Gun Free Zone Experiment In The Nation Fails: 2012 Murder Tally For Chicago Reaches 500 Just Before New Years Day! That’s Two Sandy Hook Classrooms A Month ~ Every Month! Who Is Really Instigating These Terrorist Acts? Consider how mainstream propaganda works. Why would Middle Eastern citizens defending their homeland from foreign aggression be called “insurgents”? Are we really “sure” that all terrorist activities are performed by the ‘alleged’ group that the American Intelligence agency has pinned the blame on? 1. Microphone Outs Obama Sarkozy On Netanyahu??? (BULLSHIT) In Reality, They Are Working Together To Obtain Iran’s Central Bank For Their Boss Rothschild. 2. Unaccounted War Crime: USA Murdered Gaddafi And The Legacy Of Libya’s Great Leader! In Quebec, Canada, the police department finally admitted to creating havoc and disrupting a peaceful demonstration by sending in undercover officers dressed in black as “anarchists” who then attempted to foment fighting and discord among the crowd. youtube /watch?v=DCRsj06wT64 More examples of undercover Toronto police instigating and provoking violence at G20 demonstrations: youtube /watch?v=TbLU9tdDwxo My questions to the reader: “Are you able to think outside of mainstream television productions and discover actual evidence of corruption without labeling it as “conspiracy theory”, or do you shut down dialogue before it begins? Does the term “theory” not fall away when “actual” evidence indicates the existence of criminal activity?” Is daring to question the inconsistencies of the ‘official 9/11 commission report’ really “anti-American”? Wasn’t the official White House explanation of the world trade center demolition of Sept.11, 2001, a ”conspiracy theory” based on falsehoods and unsubstantiated evidence? Three sites which discuss False Flag Terrorism: False Flag Terrorism Alert beforeitsnews/story/73/630 /False_Flag_Terrorism_Alert.html The following film ‘The Calling’ brings an understanding to the problems facing mankind. It is worth taking the time to investigate. youtube/watch?v=GLj- 2IJ4pdk The next video documentary reveals how the 9/11 WTC destruction, the Patriot Act, The Project For a New American Century, two wars to overtake Middle Eastern oil routes and oil resources, and the establishment of the ‘New World Order’ all came to fruition under the George Bush Jr. Administration. It is tantamount to present day Fascism (rule of, and for, a corporate power-elite, whose drive for wealth and power over-rides the interests of the general population).
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 09:28:45 +0000

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