NORTHWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood - TopicsExpress


NORTHWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar, John Nicholson & John Ward also in attendance: Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO) Oliver Boulter, IW Council’s Team Leader, Policy & Conservation Peter Griffiths, IW Council’s Principal Officer, Housing Policy There were two members of the public present 33/13-14 To receive and approve any apologies for absence Apologies had been received from Cllr Derek Smith 34/13-14 To confirm that the signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office from Cllrs Mew & Nicholson have been received The clerk confirmed that she had received the signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office from Cllrs Mew and Nicholson 34/13-14 Co-Opted Councillors a. To consider applications received and approve the appointments to the positions of co-opted councillor The clerk advised that she had received two applications by the deadline set. RESOLVED : THAT Mr David Jaggar and Mr John Ward be duly appointed as co-opted councillors on Northwood Parish Council b. To receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and their signed register of financial interests RESOLVED : THAT the signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office from the newly appointed co-opted councillors be received, together with the signed register of financial interests from Cllr Jaggar. 35/13-14 To receive any declarations of Members’ interests and to approve any written requests for Dispensations on items forming the agenda No declarations of interest were made at this stage. There had also been no written requests for Dispensation received. 36/13-14 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer In the absence of PCSO Lisa Paul, the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) officer, the clerk read out her report. There had been no crimes in the area reported during the past month. One local resident had raised the issue of problems associated with parking outside of the local school. However, PCSO Paul reported that this was generic to the majority of schools on the Island and not specific to this school in particular. Cllr Nicholson advised that, when out canvassing, this issue had also been raised to him. In the main this was at the start and end of the school day, when parents dropped off or picked up their offspring. To resolve the problem would be very difficult and would require tolerance and understanding to agree a balanced approach. Reference was also made of the traffic gridlock mentioned at the previous meeting. PCSO Paul had agreed to provide a response to the suggestion for a 1-way system to be put in place during any planned major events. The clerk agreed to write to her with a reminder. Cllr Fuller advised that he had been in contact with Island Roads with regard to this matter and would share the response he had received with Cllr Riddet. 37/13-14 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 7 May 2013 RESOLVED : THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2013 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council. 38/13-14 Matters arising on the Minutes a. Minute 14/13-14 WW1 Centenary Project – Cllr Pullen advised that a first meeting had been held with the volunteers who had come assist. He was very confident as the team all had the necessary qualifications, drive and expertise to undertake the task. It was suggested for this matter to be an agenda item for the July meeting. b. Minute 18/13-14 ii – Seating on the Playpark – The clerk had written to the previous contact with regard to the memorial seat. However, her email had now been passed to the Chair of the PTA for a response. The clerk also queried the ownership of two other seats and bench situated on the playpark, as these had not been identified within the PFI contract. The clerk was informed that the Northwood Community Partnership was formally known as the Northwood Partnership Forum. The clerk was requested to write to them reminding them of their responsibility in this regard. c. Minute 22/13-14 b Traffic Calming in Pallance Road – It had been confirmed that no further plans were being considered for additional traffic calming measures to be installed in Pallance Road d. Minute 25/13-14 a iv – Northwood House – In accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Northwood House Charitable Trust Company Ltd the directors were required to formally approve all membership applications. The next board meeting was due to be held on 7 June. 39/13-14 To discuss proposals with regard to a. Settlement Boundaries, Settlement Coalescence and Green Gaps The Chairman welcomed Oliver Boulter, the IW Council’s Team Leader, Policy & Conservation to the meeting. Mr Boulter reported that when development envelopes were initially introduced in the late 1990’s, through the Unitary Development Plan, they had been drawn incorporating Northwood within the wider Cowes envelope. Following the adoption of the Island Plan Core Strategy, the IW Council considered that a number of factors had since changed, which justified a review to determine whether there was a need to redefine the settlement boundaries around Northwood, Gurnard and Cowes. The Medina Valley area would form the first Area Action Plan (AAP), the vehicle that the IW Council would use to define residential development. A total of 1,350 homes had been identified for this area through the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment process. Currently an exercise to match housing need and demand within existing settlements was being undertaken to ensure settlement coalescence did not occur. Mr Boulter referred to the three potential options set out in the report and provided further explanation on the implications of each in turn. Councillors discussed in some detail the possibilities outlined, referring to the maps circulated that indicated the current situation and offered alternative settlement boundaries. A number of questions were raised that were addressed by Mr Boulter. Clarity was needed to ensure that any decision taken would not disadvantage potential future expansion of the Somerton Industrial Estate or BAE Systems. Councillors also highlighted the results of the recent survey carried out by the Parish Council, which significantly demonstrated the lack of local resident’s support for major development and their overwhelming desire for the area to remain unchanged. Following due consideration, councillors unanimously agreed that the settlement boundary should be revised, so to follow the parish boundary. However, the view was taken that this should not result so that Northwood and Cowes had separate standalone boundaries. RESOLVED : THAT Northwood Parish Council formally approves for the whole of Northwood to be excluded from the Cowes settlement boundary, in accordance with the Map defining Option 1, which included that the Somerton Business Park to also be excluded. b. Housing Needs Surveys (HNS) and Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. Peter Griffiths, Principal Officer, Housing Policy advised that the next step of the process would be to consider undertaking a Housing Needs Survey, which would clearly demonstrate and identify any local housing need. If the Parish Council were minded to not go down this route, then any developer when submitting an housing application could be required to demonstrate the appropriate level of housing for the site in question, in order to meet identified local need, as well as the required size and tenure of such housing. Mr Griffiths reminded that a parcel of land in the village, identified for possible housing development, was currently up for sale. If the Parish Council wished to take control of the situation and decide to produce their own HNS, then his department would be prepared to work alongside councillors, providing advice on how best to make the outcome more robust, so to defend against any large scale applications. The financial costs could be in the region of £1K if the Parish Council agreed to take up the offer of assistance. This cost could be reduced further if willing volunteers were approached to assist in the process. Mr Griffiths advised that Fishbourne Parish Council were currently undertaking a HNS, with assistance from his department. It was suggested for the clerk to make contact with them to seek their advice on the process. Mindful that the Parish Council had very limited finances, Mr Boulter stated his opinion that, comparatively, a HNS would be more beneficial to the village than updating the Parish Plan or producing a Neighbourhood Plan. The Chairman thanked Mr Boulter and Mr Griffiths for attending the meeting, which had been very thought provoking and informative. RESOLVED : i. THAT the Parish Plan Working Party meet to determine the feasibility of undertaking a Housing Needs Survey and to report back their recommendations to the next meeting of the Parish Council; ii. THAT the clerk make contact with Fishbourne Parish Council to request the financial implications of undertaking their HNS 40/13-14 To confirm that the Members’ Register of Interests of Cllrs Fuller, Mew and Nicholson were in order and complete The clerk confirmed that the Members’ Register of Interests of Cllrs Fuller, Mew and Nicholson had been received and were in order and complete 41/13-14 To approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish held on 21 May 2013 and to consider any matters arising from the meeting It was suggested that in response to the request by Mrs Jonas for a financial donation towards the upkeep of the WI Hall, which had been included in the report of the president of the Northwood WI, a grant application form be sent to her for completion. It was noted that the Minutes of the previous Annual meeting had been unable to be signed off, as a proposer and seconder were not available. RESOLVED : THAT the Minutes of the Annual meeting of the Parish held on 21 May 2013, be approved 42/13-14 Town and Country Planning a. To elect the Chairman of the Planning Committee RESOLVED : THAT Cllr Riddet be elected as the Chairman of the Planning Committee for the ensuing year. b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were noted: i. TCP/24497/D 129 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for a single storey side extension to form garage ii. A/00035/K BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes – Conditional Approval for Consent to Display Advertisements for ALDI Stores Ltd c. Councillors noted that the IW Council had received amended plans for application TCP/21760/Y BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes –For the removal of condition No 23, which restricts the times of deliveries to/dispatches from the approved retail foodstore. The amended plans were considered to be a minor revision to the scheme and had therefore been approved under delegated procedures with no further comments required. 43/13-14 To consider and comment on the Application received for a Premises Licence for Northwood County Show, Newport Road, Northwood, on 29 June Cllr Fuller having declared a prejudicial interest in the following item of business as he was a member of the IW Council’s Licensing Committee and his wife planned to run a stall at the event, withdrew from the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon. RESOLVED : THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no concerns in respect of the Application received for a Premises Licence for Northwood County Show on 29 June Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room. 44/13-14 To consider the matter of Dog Waste at the junction of the Medham footpath/cycle track Cllr Jaggar declared a personal interest in the following item of business as he was a close neighbour of the resident who had first raised the matter. Councillors were informed that the IW Council had now relocated a surplus dog bin to the junction of the cycleway with Stag Lane. Several spot checks had taken place in recent weeks to ascertain if the problem of dog waste continued. There did not appear to be a repeat of dog poo bags adorning the gate by the Medham Village pathway. Councillors suggested that ultimately the responsibility for the safe and proper disposal of dog waste lay with the dog’s owner and not the Parish Council. It was highlighted that all litter bins were available for dual use and much more use should be made of this. RESOLVED : THAT should a proliferation of dog waste arise again, then contact to be made with the IW Council’s Dog Warden service to advise of the problem. 45/13-14 To give consideration to installing seating along the cycle track Cllr Fuller referred to the report in respect of seating along the cycle track, which had been deferred until after the commencement of the Highways PFI. Cllr Fuller suggested that as sponsorship would be required to finance the scheme he would undertake investigations with the Ramblers Association and suggested for an article to be placed in the Northwood News, to gauge interest in memorial seats being installed along the track. Additionally Cllr Nicholson agreed to inquire as to the availability of any s106 monies. RESOLVED : THAT the feasibility of installing seating along the cycle track form an item on the agenda for the July meeting. 46/13-14 To receive an update on the suggestion to move the Twinning signs nearer to the boundary with Cowes The representative of the Cowes- Deauville Twinning Association was unavailable until after 8 June. Cllrs Pullen and Riddet would make contact with him on his return and report back to the next meeting of the Parish Council. RESOLVED : THAT the suggestion to move the Twinning signs nearer to the boundary with Cowes forms an item on the agenda of the meeting, in July. 47/13-14 To receive progress reports from Working Party leads a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – Cllr C Riddet The Community Bus Management Committee had met recently. The main topic was the problems with the new 25 service, as this no longer facilitated a direct service into Newport. The Ward Councillors for the two areas involved had requested that their views be taken into consideration in any changes. It was hope that a meeting with Matt Kitchen, the new Managing Director of Southern Vectis, would take place shortly, to discuss this and other matters. The Highways Roadshow was to undertake further visits to local communities. They would prefer to attend when a local event had been organised. It was suggested that Cllr Riddet contact Ron Willis with a view to having the caravan at the village produce show in August. Additionally, as an alternative option, it was noted that the Northwood Primary school was planning a summer fete at the end of July. b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party – Cllr J Pullen Cllr Pullen advised that the Working Party and any willing volunteers were to meet at the Post Office at 2.00pm on 5 June, so to remove all the existing planting. Further compost would need to be purchased in readiness for the summer plants, which had now been received. Due to the Wight in Bloom scheme, the Parish Council had received credits to the value of £150, which resulted in only £36.50 extra to pay. Cllr Pullen would advise the clerk when the watering contract should commence. c. Parish Plan Working Party – Cllr P Fuller Cllr Fuller confirmed that he would organise a meeting shortly in order to consider and details suggestions on the next steps required. 48/13-14 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood Cllr Nicholson referred to his report expanding on each point in turn. In addition, Cllr Nicholson spoke with regard to the River Luck, an asset he suggested that had been long ignored. The potential to install a cycleway or footpath running alongside it, down to the Solent was a matter that should be investigated. It was noted that Gurnard Parish Council had tried to undertake something of a similar nature in the past, but not all landowners were content to allow persons across their land. 49/13-14 To receive an update on the meeting of the Executive Committee of IW Association of Local Councils held on 16 May Cllr Riddet advised that the main speaker had been Simon Hayes, the newly appointed Crime and Police Commissioner. He had spoken of his aims and also that he intended to appoint an assistant based on the island. This position would attract a salary of £10K per annum, working only 1 or 2 days per week. The other principal topic covered the difficult and complicated task of the Island seeking Assisted Area Status. A working group had been formed to progress this. The Annual General Meeting was scheduled for June 20, in the Riverside Centre. 50/13-14. To receive a report on the meeting of the Community Waste Advisory Group held on 23 May RESOLVED : THAT in the absence of Cllr D Smith the report on the meeting of the Community Waste Advisory Group on 23 May, be deferred until the July meeting. 51/13-14 Clerks Report a. Finance i. The interim budget statement to the end of May 2013 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 58 were received and noted ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques RESOLVED : THAT the following cheques be approved for payment 000319, £94.55, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses 000320, £21.95, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying iii. To consider the following Grant applications received: A. Northwood Primary School Lunchtime Gardening Club Mrs Toms, the gardening co-ordinator at Northwood Primary school was present and addressed the Parish Council to explain why the funds were required. The cost of a coach for the Royal Parks trip was £540, with each child then paying their own ferry fare. RESOLVED : THAT the sum of £150 be transferred from the Village Planting budget to that of the Grants for Good Causes, enabling the sum of £200 towards the costs of the trip to the Royal Parks Education Centre in London, to be agreed. B. Victim Support Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following item of business as he was a local magistrate RESOLVED : THAT the application submitted by Victim Support for a donation, be declined. b. Administration i. To consider the addition of one further signatory for the Parish Council bank accounts RESOLVED : THAT Cllr John Ward be appointed as a signatory on the bank accounts held by the Parish Council ii. To consider purchasing a copy of the 9th edition of the Local Council Administration by Arnold-Baker at a cost of £60 RESOLVED : THAT it be approved to purchase a copy of the 9th edition of the Local Council Administration by Arnold-Baker at a cost of £60 52/13-14 Correspondence Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. Mention was made of the drop-in session on 3 July with regard to the Navitus Bay Wind Park 53/13-14 Councillors’ reports Cllr Fuller advised that he had been appointed as a governor at the Cowes Enterprise College. Following a recommendation from the Department for Education, the governing body had chosen the Ormiston Academies Trust as the preferred organisation to run the school, which was currently in special measures after failing its Ofsted inspection. Ormiston Academies Trust had a good record of supporting staff and raising standards, including experience of dealing with other schools that had been in special measures 54/13-14 Future agenda items Presentation on the Community Asset Transfer scheme and the Community Right to Buy scheme and possible implications for Northwood – This to take place in the autumn 55/13-14 To undertake a brief review of the meeting The Chairman provided an explanation as to why this item appeared on the agenda. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE CHAIRMAN CLOSED THE MEETING AT 9.05PM. Signed …………………………………… Dated ……………………...........
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 07:00:01 +0000

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