Na Atua E Wa Aotea Ltd & Moai Crown State 426/2 Tapora Street, - TopicsExpress


Na Atua E Wa Aotea Ltd & Moai Crown State 426/2 Tapora Street, Auckland City 1010, NZ Attention Kevin Annett ITCCS Canada 9 March 2014 Dear Kevin Annett Please find enclosed here a letter to you for your matters that was sent to Prime Minister John Key NZ. Please take these Documents as serious John Key position in NZ Government is now a great risk to the British Military Navy and Government of Great Britain that MOAI CROWN CONFEDERATION is a Commercial Contract Partner to them under KING WILLIAM IV (((KINGS COMMERCE))) Trading Bank Commercial Contract Business Partner. For years now I sent the Queen and the New Zealand Parliament notices they ignored after Moai Confederation sacked them legally off our lands is their cost of ignorance and lack of respect on these MOAI ANCESTRAL HISTORIC ORGANIC LANDS that I am the true LAND LORD OF! You are in a similar situation in Canada no different to ours here to take MOAI (Maori) Confederation of Chiefs and British Government Military established with MOAI CONFEDERATION makes our Government Accessory to the Convicted Criminal Felon QUEEN ELIZABETH II. Worse now I made an Official COMPLAINT to the Highest Court Judge in HIGH COURT of ADMIRALTY London UK. Which named NZ Government and PERSONS here as illegal CORPORATIONS operating Private Business for themselves and not for any Citizens of New Zealand shall END because they are a THREAT to the BRITISH Government our Partner! I am the Legal Moai Crown Confederation of Chiefs Business Partner to the British Military Navy Chiefs who are not impressed what the Queen is doing with her Corrupted Fraud Realms Businesses PM JOHN KEY NZ is a Fraud to. Is now a DIRECT CONFLICT OF INTEREST, NZ Church and State Parliament Threat to the British People and NATIVE people of New Zealand and the New World. MOAI CROWN CONFEDERATION is accusing they MASTERMINDED the CONSPIRACY with Barrack Obama USA Federal States controlled by you QUEEN and the BLACK POPE of ROME Illegal Federal State Governments ACTING Illegally inside the New Zealand Supreme Court, British and I investigated their Crimes. The Public has no idea of the CONFLICT OF INTEREST “Crown” set up in their ROGUE PARLIAMENT. I have instructed the BRITISH not NEW ZEALAND MILITARY to assist me to ARREST HER now IN our online facebook (((MOAI SUPERIOR ADMIRALTY COURT))) in front of over 1 Billion people to chose from as witnesses. So all this is disclosed publicly that she cannot escape. ELIZABETH WINDSOR had 7 days from this COMMERCIAL LIEN LEVY PROPERTY SEIZURE NOTICE to REFUTE MOAI CLAIM of a COMMERCIAL LIEN LEVY DEBTORS CONTRACT against her PERSONS Corporate name and natural name. She is forever at risk LIABLE because she failed in 2009 to prove me wrong that I charged her as a CORRUPTED FRAUD and TREASONOUS PERSON. Linked to her CONSPIRACIES I ALLEGE she’s started in 2009 Fraud Leader JOHN KEY, ADOLFO NICHOLAS PACHON Black Pope person and Fraud White Pope FRANCIS the natural Person JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO. Queen Elizabeth II is committing more TREASON against me a MONARCH SOVEREIGN LAND OWNER of these HISTORIC ORGANIC lands they OCCUPY under CONVEYACING TITLE she cant JUSTIFY that MOAI HAPU is the REAL LEGAL LAND OWNER under (((“KING WILLIAM IV ADMIRALTY LAW KING OF THE HIGH SEAS))). We hold KING WILLIAM IV SOVEREIGN BRITISH CROWN FLAG SEAL LEGAL JURISDICTION” over her Assumed nameless MACE OAR Supreme Court Assumed JURISDICTION. Here and in your country Canada Kevin Annett are same offenses I accuse her and her Governments of illegally FORGING after cutting her ties with BRITISH GOVERNMENT and NAVY MILITARY. SHE FORGED our 1993 TE TURE WHENUA NATIVE LAND ACT CONTRACT to WESTMINSTER Parliament into her new SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND FEDERAL STATE Government through the Australian Federal State Supreme Court in Canberra. I reported this TREASON ACT to the British Government of the QUEENS FORGERY MACE OAR FAKE JURISDICTION TITLE of a BRITISH NAVY IMPOSTER IMPERSONATING ROYAL NAVY ORGANIC HISTORY of KING WILLIAM IV KINGS COMMERCE BANK. To the BRITISH MILITARY DEFENCE FORCE and NAVY CHIEF COMMANDERS from me a NATIVE MOAI CHIEF COMMANDER! It was in the hands of the POLICE COMMISSIONOR PETER MARSHALL now faoled to Respond is on facebook. HE failed to do anything for MOAI. So she can’t HIDE from the TRUTH now Everyone knows she’s on TRIAL in the PUBLIC must answer me KING WILLIAM II CONTACT Partner in MOAI ADMIRALTY COURT on our OWN LANDS! They’re Sovereign Government in EXILE hasn’t LEGAL POWERS over KING WILLIAM IV MONARCHY SEAL AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS OF TITLE! The Queen has MOAI ARREST WARRANT on her head and its over John KEY HEAD as well being an OATH OF OFFICE he swears ALLEGIECE to her, I ACCUSE him of CORRUPTION through the FEDERAL STATE SUPREME COURT of AUSTRALIA in CANBERRA! They are liable for Supreme Court Conspiracy in US FEDERAL STATE WASHINGTON DC. MOAI cited them Sold Australian and New Zealand Citizens new BIRTH CERTIFICATE SS BONDS to Washington DC NY STOCK MARKET without their knowledge. CITED John Key used 1993 TE TURE WHENUA NATIVE ACT and 1986 NEW ZEALAND CONSTITUTION. Consolidated new PRIVATE CORPORATION called “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA”. John Key and Tony ABBOT Government put the New Zealand Citizens BONDS into their Sovereign JURISDICTION ILLEGALLY. They have no Sovereignty of their own CORPORATION called “HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND”! ROBBED the MONEY out of the BONDS in that companies and SOLD them to the AUSTRALIAN Government Company to JOIN their “Crown” CORPORATIONS! I CITED THEIR FRAUD AS GRAND TREASON and EXTORTION shall pay for by losing everything they own as they Failed to REFUTE my ALLEGATIONS is now DEEMED as MOAI GOD GRACE FACE SOVEREIGN TRUTH LAW. John Key and 121 Politicians named persons are CITED in KING WILLIAM IV MOAI CROWN COURT COMMERCIAL CONTRACT LEVY LOSE all their PROPERTY and POSSESIONS RESULT of their involvement in the FRAUD and CORRUPTION. POLICE failed to assist me to ARREST JOHN KEY. NZ Defense Force failed to do this. So I got the BRITISH NAVY Defense Force to assist me, officially notified them with MOAI in the High Court of Admiralty JURISDICTION LONDON and my own MOAI GODS TRUTH STATUE Jurisdiction they now FACE ME and MOAI CROWN Sovereign Monarch on these MOAI LANDS they FAILED to RESPOND. Is in LEGAL BINDING AUTOMATIC DEFAULT CONTRACT LIEN LEVY DEBTORS ADVOCATE CHURCH & STATE CONVICTED CHARGED “CROWN” AGENTS to the LEGAL PRINCIPAL “MOAI CROWN” CONFEDERATION OF THE WORLD LAND LORD LAND TITLE OWNER! Failed to respond in front of over 1 billion people watching this on facebook. AFFIDAVITS of them on facebook google youtube twitter are admissible as LEGAL EVIDENCE in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY in LONDON Judge MACKIE as STATEMENTS of COMMERCIAL DEBTOR LEVY BANK FORECLOSURE INSTRUMENTS are CLAIMS against their Corporate Persons name. LOSE everything they illegally own and my stolen MOAI, found to be the FRAUD FELON I say QUEEN Identified Person staying SILENT saying nothing to my public disclosed allegations. POPE FRANCIS made announcement on the 1st September 2013 that Politicians Lawyers Judges Police Citizens Church Ministers Bishops Priest’ in fact anyone who commits Crimes faces PROSECUTION! MOAI CROWN and I CIIED them all over 7 days with this substantial evidence failed to defend! FACED PROSECTION by me the PRIVATE PROSECUTOR this period expired, are bound legally under “Crown” Crimes of “Church and Estate”, to me HOANI KAHAKI WANOA, John Hoani Wanoa. “Moai Crown” and “NA ATUA E WA AOTEA LIMITED”, “MOAI POWER HOUSE GROUP”, in a permanent legal CONTRACT to MOAI CROWN CONFEDERATION PARTNER CONTRACT TO KING WILLIAM IV IN OUR COMMERCIAL LIEN DEBTORS LEVY bound to ELIZABETH WINDSOR. She failed a DEFENSE because of a NON RESPONSE LOSE all we CLAIM off her. I ask George Galloway MP and SCOTLAND YARD POLICE to ARREST HER and SEIZE all her PROPERTY Wealth back to the (MOAI GOD Sovereign People of the World) as DEBTORS LEVY UNLIMITED SEIZURE amount set against the Queen, the Vatican City, City of London Rothschild Banks and Pope Francis. BLACK POPE Adolfo Nicholas Pachon and New Zealand Government Private Corporations is included the INTERNATIONAL TOTAL LEVY. Forms part of an audited World Bank amount of the Convicted Criminal Felons “USA”, “US Federal State” “Crown” “Queen Elizabeth“. ADOLFO NICHOLAS PACHON” “Crown” “Church and State” Corporation (aka Black Pope). Roman Catholic Church White Pope “JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO” (aka Pope Francis) Private Corporation “VATICAN CITY INC” and EVELYN ROTHSCHILD “Crown” Bank Private Corporation “CITY OF LONDON”. They are Joint products of this Conspiracy Corporation who is facing MOAI CROWN CORPORATION and KING WILLIAM IV “KING of the HIGH SEAS” of ADMIRALTY COURT MARTIAL JURISDICTION COMMERCIAL NAVY REAR ADMIRALTY PARTNERSHIP. Here on facebook as our DISCLOSURE CITATIONS LEVY amount of £714,000,380,600,000,053,248,000,000,000.00 against all of “Crown” Conspirators QUEEN “Crown” AGENTS. ‘I ask George Galloway to assist me as Inheritor Legal Advocate MOAI STATUE GOD MEMORIAL standing in London to go into Westminster Parliament to sort out the Legitimate Heir to the Throne nomination of HRH Prince Regent Jeffery Ross Foley as the New King of England. Here is his Monarchy Royal Welsh Seal. Kevin Annett Jaymie and I expect to be in Rome on 2nd April 2014 pending our MOAI Bank manager Funding available Regards John Hoani Kahaki Wanoa
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 06:44:31 +0000

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