Needless to say, showing just how sick America is of Obama, the - TopicsExpress


Needless to say, showing just how sick America is of Obama, the stadium broke out in loud booing. A few even took to social media to inform the world of the awesomeness that spawned from Michigan: One participant in the crowd even called Rush Limbaugh to tell him of the incident where the conversation went as follows: CALLER: Well, I’m glad you’re home. Just something real quick just to go along with what you’re talking about, the president’s favoritism amongst people is low. We went to a college football game here in Michigan this last weekend, and they did a public service announcement during the game. It reminded me more of like a, “yes, we can” kind of deal again, but it was about taking care of each other and working together. RUSH: Okay, now, wait. Wait, wait. I don’t want gloss over this. CALLER: Okay. RUSH: Who did the PSA? On whose behalf was it? CALLER: Obama. RUSH: It was an Obama PSA? CALLER: Yes. Joe Biden’s face was talking about doing things together along with students. He was in the middle of the announcement. It was about a 30-second announcement. It was put up on all the big screens at the stadium. RUSH: Right. CALLER: And at the very end of the announcement was President Obama. And as soon as his face came up there, there were boos in that stadium that surprised me. I was just so happy to hear it because I thought, you know, it was like a positive thing for me, because it was like, okay, other people are feeling the same way I am. RUSH: Exactly. CALLER: A lot of the people in that stadium – RUSH: Yeah. CALLER: — including the student section. The only thing that could have possibly made this any better would be video of the incident for the world to have seen – and even better yet, for Obama to have seen. Let us know what you think of this amazing incident in the comments below. Do you think Obama even cares how low his nationwide approval is?
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 18:13:34 +0000

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