New post on Burma Times Analysis on Bangladesh-Myanmar border - TopicsExpress


New post on Burma Times Analysis on Bangladesh-Myanmar border tensions pinch desperate Rohingya by admin By Ibrahim Shah and Mohamed Ibrahim Dobashi Editorial, 12 July 2014 Burma Times: In fact it is deplorable that the international media has been publishing inaccurate news concerning the state backed violence occurred over Rohingya in Arakan in mid June 2012 as communal violence or sectarian clashes or religious strife. Undoubtedly, it is solely genocidal violence. The several reports issued by HRW and Genocide Watch pointed out that the rampant violence against Rohingya across Burma is ethnic cleansing or Genocide. None has the accurate information about causalities as Arakan was banned access of international observers, journalists and tourists, however, only the brutal Burmese officials and the victimized Rohingya know the real causalities. Hundreds of Rohingya were killed, numerous were missed, many were raped and hundreds of thousands had kept in concentration camps in Arakan, according to Rohingya survivors of state backed genocidal violence 2012. Police force was watching immobile without tackling theMogh, Rakhine Buddhist mobs attack to vulnerable Rohingya and other Muslim ethnicities. Moreover, the authorities themselves involved in genocidal violence against Rohingya which was backed by state itself. President Thien Sien freed some criminals of death penalty from Inn Sein jail and sent them across the Arakan to instigate racism in the name of ethnocentric Buddhism, revealed by a secret Rakhine network that conspired with him to massacre Rohingya. A Rohingya activist, Ibrahim Shah, expressed that it is a great shock to come across today the collecting misinformation of international media on Rohingya crisis such that Rohingya involved in broker of prostitution, human trafficking or drug smuggling. Until today, Rohingya did not exercise any drug trade or extremism or broker of prostitution. “As Rohingya had been reached into a trifecta victim— political victim in Burma, economic crisis victim in Bangladesh in the sight of Bangladeshi authorities in lieu of asylum seeker and persecuted victim in the sight of world in lieu of birth right seeker, their neighboring countries allege them they are involved in drug smuggling and terrorism”, said by two Burmese activists, Ibrahim Shah and Ibrahim Dubashi. The baseless accusations against Rohingya as drug smugglers by Jeremy Douglas, Southeast Asia and Pacific regional representative for UNODC in Bangkok, Thailand, and Khaleda Begum, senior information officer at Bangladesh’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is a kind oppression and endorsement of genocidal policies of Burmese government against Rohingya. The prime reason of Rohingya exodus from Burma into uncertain destinations is due to repressive rules of brutal Burmese authorities. Thus, international community should rather perceive the Rohingya exodus as asylum seekers due to ongoing occurrence of Rohingya’cide or Rohingya Genocide in Arakan than bringing false allegations against them as drug smugglers who are persecuted victims and are unable to oppose the oppressors. According to the article 14.1 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution, Rohingya is entitled to be granted as asylum seeker. Rohingya have been encountering state persecution increasingly since 1960s in Burma. However, it is strictly miserable and unfortunate that the neighboring countries of Burma—Bangladesh, India and Thailand—non-neighboring ones— Malaysia, Indonesia,Australia and others— violate the article 14.1 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and detains Rohingya in custody and sell them with a great amount of money. Currently Burma violates the article 15.2 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Burmese government forced Rohingya residents to participate in so called citizenship verification process by Pilot project in Arakan as Bengali or Kaman. But world is eerily silent totally. How the Rohingya would accept the term Bengali or Kaman which is absolutely ethnicity of others. The tradition between Rohingya and, Bengali and Kaman is too much difference like sweet and sour. The key reason why Rohingya is deprived of their birth rights is that the current Burmese rulers who are intruders of Arakan have to hand over the Arakan state power to Rohingya if Rohingya exits as an ethnic group. The foremost native people of Arakan are today’s Rohingya according to the ‘Ananda Chandra’ inscription inscribed at the end of eighth century. As the ongoing systematic discrimination and persecution against Rohingya is crimes against humanity, international community—UN, EU, US, ASEAN, OIC and all organizations should intervene in Burma to find out a sustainable resolution for Rohingya and other ethnic minorities who are under life risk. Otherwise, the gossips that Rohingya are involved in such terrible crimes—drug smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, etc—might surely become true one day if they are remained in such distressed situation for more time. Thus, ASEAN should play a great role strategically to stop Burma from perpetually conducting its long dirty treatment with its people. Otherwise, the destitution of Rohingya and other ethnic minorities will force them to professionally undertake terrible actions inside and abroad in response to dirty treatment of state. Without physical arrival in Arakan, it is out of imagination to feel in our heart that how Rohingya encounters state-sponsored rampant discrimination and persecution. Every international special personality expressed one kind of devastation with variety of words that is worse condition of Rohingya. Amongst the devastated expressions of the international observers on Rohingya crisis who visited Arakan since 2012, the final expression of Kyung-wha Kang, UN assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, told reporters in New York in this June that she witnessed “a level of human suffering in IDP [internally displaced persons] camps that I have personally never seen before, with men, women, and children living in appalling conditions with severe restrictions on their freedom of movement, both in camps and isolated villages. Many people have wholly inadequate access to basic services including health, education, water and sanitation”. According to this proverb, “after death comes the doctor”, ASEAN will fall into miscarriage if it does not stand by the oppressed Rohingya while due time is running as well as if it remains more silent aiming at a strong boost in bilateral relationship with Killer government chaired by President Thein Sein. ASEAN should be able to restore the deprived rights of Rohingya before they are forced or prefer under no choice to commit terrible actions. The catastrophic situation of ethnic minorities including Rohingya in Burma might trigger rampant terrible actions across the ASEAN region. Here is attached two reports on “How unprecedented persecution of Burmese Brutal rulers takes place against Rohingya—A 153-page report by HRW which disclosed the long suffering of Rohingya— “‘All You Can Do is Pray’: Crimes Against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya Muslims in Burma’s Arakan State” and The link on which above analysis is conducted: admin | July 12, 2014 at 8:44 am | Tags: Analysis, Bangladesh, Burma News, Ibrahim Shah, Mohamed Ibrahim, Myanmar border, Rohingya news | Categories: History | URL: Comment See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Burma Times. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:54:10 +0000

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