NiniJi’s 10 Key Characteristics: 1 - Total Self - TopicsExpress


NiniJi’s 10 Key Characteristics: 1 - Total Self Responsibility NiniJi, faced with any situation, Acts with knowledge of Total Responsibility rather than React by force of Ego/Instinct. NiniJi says “Action is based on Choice... ReAction is pre-programmed and based on instinct or ego’s beliefs, giving rise to the cycle of ‘Cause & Effect’ or ‘Karma’”. 2 - Emotions as indicators NiniJi uses emotions, simply, as an Indicator to assess the Balance of the mind-body operation. NiniJi says “Use emotions only to find out if you are balanced in your mind-body state.” Ego & Instinct tend to use emotions to make up Stories based on past ego/instinct experiences. These Stories are not real and tend to distract us and enforce one or more of our limiting beliefs. 3 - No delusions about the illusionary world NiniJi realises that there is no such thing as Matter and that all things solid or not are simply made out of inter-related bits of data/information! NiniJi says “Mind is a powerful tool, a super-computer we cannot imagine, that can convert this data/information into Space, Time, Senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch).” . NiniJi urges us to ponder on the magic of dreaming to better understand how we can have a seemingly-real experience of Time, Space & Senses when we are asleep. NiniJi says “During dreaming you are surely in your bed... but there is unlimited Space, Time & all the physical Senses... In your dream you are walking and it feels like walking but your body is still and in a finite space of your bed... Dreams are good indicators of the possibilities of the power of our perceptions based on the data/information around us or correctly put ‘within us’.” 4 - Operates in Flow NiniJi prefers to be in Flow of sequentially-related & purposeful Actions whilst retaining a clear state of Presence. NiniJi says “Remaining in the Now or being in a state of Presence is the key to Flowing seamlessly through any set of tasks, leading to the desired result or experience. Watching someone do any task in Flow (even making a cup of tea) is like watching a perfectly well-choreographed Dance!”. 5 - Karma Free NiniJi needs not to be mindful of Good & Bad, Right or Wrong as every Choice taken in the state of Presence, can bring harm to nothing – no Karma! However in a state of non-Presence things can turn out causing imbalance or harm, hence Karmic operation begins. NiniJi says “We all, with all the good intentions, tend to fall into the state of non-Presence (out of Flow). Important thing is to detect the state of non-Presence early and not allow the shift of energy to the Mind’s superb ability to create stories... These stories leading to uprising of emotions and consequently Re-actions (i.e. we react as if the Mind’s stories are real and are happening now). NiniJi says “A Reaction is different to an Action, in that ‘re’action indicates that the action is ‘Re’peating, hence of the Past and therefore not Real in the Present. If we miss this mind’s deception, then we can still detect the emotions as a sign of something not being right and that a Re-Balance is called for. Failure to re-balance causes Reaction to take place and create Karmic Distractions.”. NiniJi continues “If we miss the emotions indicator, then we are opening ourselves to a vicious downward circle and one can find him/herself lost in a state of permanent non-Presence or Depression.” 6 - Enthusiasm, Joy or Acceptance NiniJi operates in one of three modes: Enthusiasm, Joy or Acceptance. In the absence of these states, we find ourselves in a non-Presence state. Our deep seeded beliefs create Reactions in us which bring us into the Karmic world of Cause and Effect and away from Free Choice and Results. 7 - Always a Victor NiniJi operates in a Victor mode rather than Victim mode... By the Total Responsibility belief, there is no such thing as being victim of events/experiences – How can it possibly? However Victor mode represents the Result of conscious Choices. NiniJi says “The moment we blame, we lose all Response-ability and become a victim. Victim mode is a low frequency mode and can lead us into the Karmic world of Cause & Effect.” 8 - Change brings Growth NiniJi welcomes Change and takes pleasure in contradicting self (beliefs). NiniJi says “By allowing ourselves to contradict our opinions and beliefs, we open ourselves to Change. Welcoming Change brings about Growth”. NiniJi continues “Fear of contradicting ourselves is the major Block in our Spiritual Evolution & Growth. Make contradicting your old beliefs a daily practice. We need to start by not taking ourselves so seriously. This reduces the resistance to contradiction & change.” 9 - Beliefs are at the core Programming of our Experience NiniJi realises that Beliefs are the energy behind worldly experiences. NiniJi says “The fact that our belies shape our worldly experience is not a myth. Common knowledge amongst good therapists and proven through Quantum mechanics. Even the Law of Attraction is based on Belief being the main operator in manifesting life’s experiences.” NiniJi urges us all to look at our base beliefs and question them logically & ethically. We need to understand if the presence of any belief in our programming, is bringing us joy or suffering. Any Belief that results in suffering of self or another, is based on illusions of ego & instinct. 10 - Not-Knowing + Wondering leads to Understanding NiniJi realises that we live in a pre-programmed yet changing/evolving/reactive world, in that there are a set of pseudo-physical rules that apply to each and every being as well as the rules that apply to the ecosystem we operate in (i.e. Earth/Solar system). NiniJi says “Our world has been programmed with its own specific stories and rules which may be completely alien to other worlds and vice versa. We have entered this world, this elaborate, interactive and intelligent world by our own Choice. To experience and sense this particular pseudo-reality”. NiniJi continues “And in order for this to become a Fresh experience, we enter this realm with a ‘Not-Knowing’ state... otherwise it simply would not present its freshness to us”. With the ‘Not-Knowing’, a part of us tends to see the world as the means and ends of our existence or life, yet the truth of the matter is that this, Life as we know it, is only a moment in our eternal journey. However, along with the ‘Not-Knowing’ we are also given the gift of Wondering & Questioning that sets this Journey into motion. NiniJi urges us to remind ourselves to remain Playful & in Flow so we make the most from the Experiential nature of this pseudo-reality, and to treasure the joy of Wondering & ultimately, the Understanding. Amir Azizpour aka NiniJi
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:48:10 +0000

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