No empty tomb, not even any tomb at all? All a pious fabrication? - TopicsExpress


No empty tomb, not even any tomb at all? All a pious fabrication? Orthodoxy aside, could Bart please explain why N.T. Wright wrote The Resurrection of the Son of God? (740 pages, Fortress Press) Tom writes in detail about the documents and the hard facts of the early church, and tests out (while showing his work, no pious steps skipped) every alternative hypothesis, and ends up saying that *at minimum* there was an empty tomb experience by more than a couple of people, and an experience of Jesus that was not in keeping with the usual presumptions about ghostly apparitions of that era. I think the hopeful hallucination theory of Christian origins is vastly more speculative than the concept of an empty tomb near Jerusalem. But every spring, Ehrman becomes popular again for a series of on the other hand stories about Christianitys fundamental unreliability. What it all means, or should mean, neither he nor his approving fanbase can say, other than too bad its not true! I read Ehrmans ever more testy work and just think too bad.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 11:32:13 +0000

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