Not a lady I would like to have afternoon tea with, but she makes - TopicsExpress


Not a lady I would like to have afternoon tea with, but she makes a relevant point, even if I know that she is a self proclaimed Muslims hater by her own accounts. Although she fails to mention or forgets that Muslims like myself and the millions of others in the UK or America are fighting an internal reformation with the radicals, in order to address the point she raised. But FOX news and any right wing Think Tank or media agenda, as I am sure John Stewart of CNN will testify to (especially of you criticise Israel), wont publicise this fact, as they want to create a culture of fear and panic among the American and European citizens that the world is under attack and the peaceful Muslims are doing nothing about it. It plays into The Shock Doctrine - True Stories: The Shock Doctrine (shock and awe) as well as manufacturing consent (by which the media frame and get consensus through sensationalism in the media such as this). I can give you some reputable academics and speakers to listen to who can give you a truer picture. The two below are just two such thinkers I have a plethora of other reputable thinkers and speakers who will open peoples eyes to the illusion the press is creating. This is why innocent good hearted young British & American boys and girls are coming back in body bags, for a war based on geopolitics, oil and pepping up the stock markets. The Politicians tell you the service men and women died for a worthy cause, but in reality behind closed doors we know it was for ulterior and motives. torontoforumoncuba.weebly/.../manufacturing...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 12:09:08 +0000

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