*** OPEN CHALLENGE TO MUSLIMS OR LIBERALS OR OFFICIALS OF FACEBOOK *** I just received another warning from Facebook that my group ISLAM IS A JOKE and we should laugh about it all day every day https://facebook/groups/175550385985149/ might violate community standards etc. It might hurt Muslim feelings etc. I CERTAINLY HOPE SO! I refuse to play the Dont hurt Muslim feelings even if you have to sugar coat the truth game. Too many do it already. We already get spoon fed taqiyya by them and sanitized BS from the media. I am sick of it. Example: Do you hear on the news that Russian president Putin wants to exterminate Islamic radicals like cockroaches? Or that Angola outlawed Islam entirely? Or that Myanmar (formerly Burma) and the Central African Republic are essentially fighting back with CRUSADES of their own? Or that an AFRICAN AMERICAN congressional candidate is calling for Obama to be executed for his crimes? HELL NO! Or if you do hear about these things, it is only Fox News or the news is spun to make the brave anti-Islamists look bad. I was asked to remove some content from this page by Facebook. I have a few things to say about that. 1. I challenge any Muslim or libtard or any official of Facebook to prove to me how any of my posts violate standards. I speak the truth. And I have said that I wouldnt use abusive terms about them nor would I encourage or solicit or condone open violence against them. THEY ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE MADE IT QUITE CLEAR THAT WE SHOULD DIE OR CONVERT TO ISLAM OR PAY THE JIZYA. 2. I challenge any Muslim or libtard or any official of Facebook to prove anything that I said is wrong or untrue. PROVE ME WRONG! I am not bound by Islamic blasphemy law in Sura 5:26-33. 3. I believe that we not only have the RIGHT - but also the DUTY to fight against Islam. Muslims have declared open war against all infidels including Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Fort Hood shootist to name a few. I will not back down. I will not submit to Islam. I will never be silent. I wont accept any bribe to be quiet nor will I convert to Islam under the penalty of beheading for not doing so. I WILL TURN THE OTHER CHEEK THOUGH. They can kiss one cheek of my butt and then Ill turn the other butt cheek for them to kiss as well!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 14:02:10 +0000

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