OPEN LETTER THE PRESIDENT ISRAEL About humanitarian crisis in - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER THE PRESIDENT ISRAEL About humanitarian crisis in Gaza * * Note: Open Letter (Open Letter) Captain Pilot Garuda Indonesia, has been published in the English version in the Straits Times daily edition August 01, 2014. My name Dedik Susanto. I am a Muslim who loves justice, and who also loves peace, humanity and democracy. Nearly six years I served as a pilot Indonesia. Yesterday, after a morning with the people of Indonesia after ldul Fitrih celebrated with peace and quiet, a great religious day for Muslims, the whole night I could not shut my eyes. Through national and international television, almost every minute, I witnessed the casualties in Gaza as a result of violence and military actions being raged. Nearly all of the dead and the Iuka-Iuka is the innocent, helpless and could not save himself from the bullets whistling bombs and death of death. Weeping mothers who lost sons and daughters, as well as the plight of children who suddenly lost their parents, really pierced my heart most niches within. I am sure, whoever and wherever the nation will almost certainly experience the same grief and heartache witnessed unspeakable human tragedy of it. As a man who is currently working on a terbesear airline in Indonesia. a country with the largest Muslim population, of course I was not just sad and angry. Until now I was also actively creating massive protests along with friends and friends in Indonesia, but the situation is in fact worse Gaza. Therefore, from Jakarta, I had to shout moral appeal to all nations of the world, especially the leaders of the world, and especially again to the leaders of Israel and Hamas to immediately stop the violence and tragedy in the region. With this appeal I hope world leaders to take immediate collective responsibility and can actually do or forcing a ceasefire and an end to military operations which seem increasingly indiscriminate. The ceasefire must be implemented now. Not tomorrow, let alone the next day. With the cease-fire, meaning an Israeli attack by air, sea and land must be stopped. Similarly, those shots of the Hamas rockets must end, in order to reply or reply actions do not continue the cycle of violence. Actions of political and military leaders to continue military operations today will only further add to the casualties, including children, women and elderly groups. Its all already hit the legal, moral and ethical war, which must be upheld in a civilized world. Although I am a Muslim, I do not see this problem in terms of religion. I do not associate my mind and calls it with Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and the Catholic religion or any belief. The issue we face is the issue of humanity, morality, law and ethics of war, as well as the actions of any party that has exceeded kepatutannya. Human tragedy and untold human suffering is also related to the sense of responsibility of the leaders, who either directly or indirectly, has made this human tragedy continues. Frankly, Indonesia has consistently and firmly supports independence of the Palestinians. The world should really give certainty to the formation of an independent Palestinian state and sovereign, and is recognized by the world community. Also an independent Palestinian living in peace with Israel, and also with neighboring countries. The concept of two states in a region of peace is a concept that I believe to be the concept of perspective and realistic and can be realized. With spectacle and bad examples of conflicts, wars and violence as we see today, or also in previous years, the children of any nation, including our young children, so thats how life is taught in the world that must be executed. In fact, during this nation of Indonesia, including the Indonesian Muslims, to always love peace, brotherhood, tolerance and harmony. Indonesian nation fought tenaciously to combat radicalism, extremism and terrorism on Indonesian soil. Indonesia is also actively organizes and participates in interfaith dialogue forums and civilization both in Indonesia and in various international forums. Indonesia has pioneered and led the settlement of various conflicts in a peaceful and democratic Indonesia, including Aceh and Papua conflicts, communal conflicts between tribes and religions, as well as conflicts of interest with other nations, including border disputes with neighboring countries. Indonesia also gone to great lengths to preserve and maintain a moderate line of Indonesian Islam, harmonious and tolerant, in the midst of global influence that often disseminate radicalism, extremism and terrorism. I realized that it could not to be taken for granted, but we must continue to watch and try manifestations. In short I try my hardest to persuade the Indonesian nation that loves peace, uphold the values of democracy and humanity, as well as tolerance and can build friendships and partnerships with other nations. That supposedly said universal values taught by the wise men in the world. This was my brothers nations of the world, the history of open opportunities. Let us not waste it, so we are not condemned and blamed by future generations by our children and grandchildren. Congratulations ldul Fitr 1435 AH to the Muslims in Palestine may Allah SWT always provide protection and His help. Also the sign of peace and friendship to all religious communities and nations worldwide. Jakarta, 01: August. 2014 Dedik Susanto, Garuda Indonesia pilot captain*
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:32:48 +0000

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