ORIENTATION # 1195 : INTELLIGENT CLARITY CANNOT BE BASED ON THOUGHTS _______________________________________________ The moral structure, regardless of what such structure implies according with this and that culture, regime of thinking or society, is in itself not intelligent.. By repeating this fact: morality may brings about a certain order, but morality, every structure of morality, is not in itself a carrier of intelligence simply because intelligence cannot be brought into being by a suggested, educated or even imposed communitarian apparatus of thinking, co-existing and living.. Intelligence is a private phenomenon the big deal of which is obviously clarity.. This means that morality does not mean just no stimulation for intelligence.. it is, as well, and so often, a mere factory of psychological encapsulation and stasis .. due to its dogmas, its traditions, its eventual religious, spiritual or superstitious values in which this or that morality is pivoted.. The humanistic tendency toward morality has its foundation in the necessity of cohesion and co-existence, which are, obviously, absolutely required to bring about serenity among men.. however, all moralities, which are created by the mind to hold social relationships together, seem to cut off the so necessary inquiry about a very very basic issue.. which is all within a question: why do we need morality ? To co-exist pacifically !.. the quick answering mind would answer almost immediately.. which is fine, but not sufficient, cause the question has not been completely understood.. This issue indeed requires a more deep inquiry.. it does .. because morality is not intelligence.. and very often it foments also antagonisms and frictions.. psychologically and socially.. (just like history has shown us for a countless amount of times) .. Can one(/the many) live pacifically without clinging to any sort of morality at all ? Can one(/the many) realize that intelligence is surely more relevant than any form of morality ? Rather then follow pre-packaged structures of thinking, if we, instead, think about the ways we think.. then maybe we also become aware about the immensely important part that thought plays in our life and society. What is related to thought, in this case: the moral thought, can only be understood by such thoughts, and what is not related to those thoughts , (such as the act of thinking about the thoughts that have found as something necessary the establishment of a certain morality.. without the thoughts that have created such supposedly required morality).. becomes and remains a matter of insignificant distraction.. Its obvious that intelligence can come from thinking about thinking.. and not from thought, (morality is based on thoughts, not on thinking), therefore intelligence is a state of psychological being in which thought is not. We are supposed to be producers of thoughts, not their servants.. To reduce the psyche into a servant of a thought/based establishment is to fundamentally nourish separation among men, and it results in psychological underdevelopment.. _____________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:18:12 +0000

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