Obama Just stated this today (11/8/13) “Were going to fix the - TopicsExpress


Obama Just stated this today (11/8/13) “Were going to fix the website, because the insurance plans are there, they are good, and millions of Americans are already finding that theyll gain better coverage for less cost and its the right thing to do,” he said from the Port of New Orleans.....When is he going to STOP Lying? So, I tend to like this guys thinking below in rsponse...And he absolutely right on a lot of the issues he is addressing: Our Leaders need to Stop Ignoring the effect that uninsured illegal aliens have on our health care costs and our insurance premiums. We STILL need to Stop ILLEGAL immigration! Theyre not just doing jobs that Americans dont want. Do they pay state and federal income taxes? Dont get me wrong most of these people work hard, but are a drain on the system if they dont pay income taxes, have health-care coverage, learn the language or get paid wages that are in line with their American counterparts. We all know that the health care provided to uninsured illegals here in the states is being averaged into our hospital costs and our insurance premiums, which have PROPORTIONATELY increased along with illegal immigration over the last 20 years? These costs are also being passed along to Medicaid and Medicare, which means that not only are they increasing our insurance premiums, but that were paying for them again with our tax dollars. Our tax dollars and insurance premiums should not be used to recoup the cost of healthcare given to illegal aliens, who shouldnt even be here in our country in the first place. Just look around and youll see whos doing 90% of the residential renovations, construction and property maintenance jobs. Thats certainly what were seeing in the northeast. These are not just jobs that Americans dont want. The hiring of cheap illegal labor causes a chain reaction. The contractors who hire cheap, uninsured, non-income-taxpaying, ILLEGAL aliens undercut the contractors who hire US Citizens or Legal immigrants. Even if the contractor wants to continue to employ US Citizens or Legal tax-paying immigrants, they end up replacing their Legal employees with illegals just to be able to get the work. Unfortunately unions and the old thats not my job union attitudes here in the USA have also contributed to this problem. Also when these Non-income-tax-paying Illegal Aliens take American Citizens jobs they also are taking away the income tax revenue that those working American Citizens would be providing to our government. In addition, the American Citizens who have their jobs taken away by these Illegal Aliens then have to be paid unemployment and usually have no health-care insurance either because they cant afford COBRA, which adds even more to our deficit and further increases our health-care costs. I run a business that does it the right way and employs 20 US Citizens and 1 Legal Immigrant and I believe that the use of Workplace Raids is a perfectly realistic way to put a stop to this BS. Plus we should publish the results of these workplace raids and fines to the public, so American Citizens and customers could see which companies are employing illegals. Lets get the good productive illegal immigrants into the system and paying federal and state income tax or get them out and NOT Let Any More Come In unless they come in as Legal Immigrants. Make them apply for legal visas and or U.S. citizenship and if they dont, then get them out. If they get rejected get them out or give them one quick appeal and if they still get rejected, then get them out. And lets send the bad ILLEGAL Aliens back to where they came in and lets STOP ANYMORE ILLEGAL ALIENS from getting in. I also think we should start using our military to Start Keeping ILLEGAL Aliens Out. Lets face it - Over the past 2-3 decades, both parties have sold out the bulk of the American citizens, who theyre supposed to represent, by allowing the incursion of illegal aliens and the out-sourcing floodgates to open wider and wider without taking any sensible measures to stem the tide. Our economic problems didnt happen overnight. Its been happening over the past 25 years, but the economy was kept going by middle class Americans tapping into the equity on their homes until they were completely tapped out. The ONLY REAL FIX for Our Country is to Raise Revenue by Bringing Back Jobs to US Citizens who Pay Income Tax. The bottom line is that “Our Government” has to protect domestic industry and the jobs that those industries provide. If they do that, the rest will take care of itself. protectamericanjobs.newsvine/
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 22:48:13 +0000

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