Obamadytes BY WILLIAM E. FISHER, JR EDITOR: PEOPLES AFFAIRS Panama City, Fl Their have been many studies about human behavior and the effects of stimulus on the human brain. If you go to YOUTUBE and look at some of the studies by the CIA and military it can be a real eye opener. One of my favorites is a study on peer pressure. The professor had about seven students sitting at a table and the experiment required that one student was not told any details of what was going on. The test had the instructor asking the students which line on the board was longest A, B, C, or D. In reality Line D was the longest but the other six students said C picking the shortest. Almost every time the test student agreed with the others choosing the wrong answer ignoring what their own eyes was telling them. People were doing the same thing back in 2012! With eyes wide open! This is also going on everyday all over America, and it also what was going on during the 2008 and 2012 election cycle. Big media was making everyone think they were voting for the longest line but the reality was a misguided group voted for the shortest one. Fooled to the point they did not believe their own eyes or their own ears on the facts about the one they voted for. Today many do not research the candidates their voting for. You can not follow any party line or what you see or read in the news papers. But do seek the truth the real truth that’s out there if you take the time to look for it! The political spinners get paid lots of money to use the written word and what you see on TV to grab and control your emotions. You’re controlled at the voting booth, the grocery store and every aspect of your life through media manipulation. Start thinking for yourself so do the research! The only real truth you’ll ever read is in the pages of your Bible. There are those that will tell you that’s fake also, and many of them are walking the halls of congress and running the media today. Many politicians no longer hear or see you once there beyond the horizon jetting their way to Washington D.C. on you vote! For America to heal its economy, and its soul! We need to start believing in what we see and hear with our own eyes! Not what were told! Obamadytes are those who can not see or hear the truth even if it’s staring them in the face. They are fallowing the pied piper off into the darkness singing all the way to their doom, wile trying to drag the rest of us with them. In 2014 we again will be heading to that voting booth in order to make a decision on who will be our representatives here and in Washington. Get on line, read books written by those who do real research, that’s not based on junk science or party lines. Do the research for yourself because it’s really the only way you can find the facts needed to make the right decision. For those Obamadytes that still think that Benghazi, IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups, ATF “Fast and Furious” I’ll pass my own laws by doing end runs around congress and our constitution! If the Obamadytes feel this is right for America and no big deal and not holding the Obama administration accountable WE THE PEOPLE are in real trouble in deed. Pray for Conservative Miracles to come to pass so America and the American Dream we all search for can still be within reach!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 04:44:52 +0000

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