Ofcourse we come from Pakistan, we know you have many reasons - TopicsExpress


Ofcourse we come from Pakistan, we know you have many reasons to hate pakistanis and this message is for the govt of Nepal,Media of Nepal,Govt. of India,Govt. of Srilanka and directly talking to you, who ever have a responsible on your govt. ofcourse there are many reasons to hate Pakistanis,suspect Pakistanis,let me tell you there is one reason which is far greater than all other reason and for this reason you will have to power your head and lower your grace and touch your lips on the footprints of holiness ? , and because of this reason the world is getting to know the awaited one, why they afraid massaya foundation, kalki foundation international, the world is getting to know a waited one, we are spreading not just the word of love but the divine secretive substances of love. If you are holding a pakistani passport and you are going to US or Australia or japan,england , france or Germany,May be your travel is taking you to these destinations because of your economic crisis in your country, but however there are people who are holding Pakistani passports, their way off ,their way educated and their visas in their passports of all these high economical countries in their passports, but they travelling to Nepal, why are they travelling to Nepal? What is their interest in Nepal , India and Srilanka ? If somebody comes to Nepal for only one reason, international traveller come for mountaineering or for Mt.Everest or hes a Nepali, No body else will come to Nepal. Why would a US citizens,a British citizens who have a sound business in US, UK. who dont do travel to a country like Nepal, Where people of the country have been deprived of their principle necessities of life, another somebody who wants to map the Mt.Everest,that person would be interested to go Nepal 2) those who also go to Nepal, those who want to interest to spread terrorism in India,because the Nepal is the safest transit to enter India, but these people want to interested to spread terrorism in India , who will not stay in Nepal for 1 year 2 year and they will not publicise their dress, not mission, not meet people, enter Nepal without making their presence felt,they will swiftly want to cross the boarder, but these people of Massaya/kalki foundation international who have been residing in Nepal for the last two years, How on of earth can Nepali police assume so childishly, these peace activists are terrorist, i mean terrorists are holding guns, bombs, they do not hold pamphlets,they will hold your backs, and twist them, if these were terrorist, would you detain them? in your police station and they would stay quite? This is against the UN resolution.My message to Nepali Prime minister if he is interested enough to know what is going on in his country, and if he understand the meaning of democracy,and if he abides bind the UN, human charter, i would like to invite him to study the message of these individuals who have been detained in your country without a reason,study their message and if you are son of a human being then salute them and shows some respect to them, because in your country people are suffering , they do not have clean water, and because of this reason thousands have people who have kidney problem, heart disease,and when they come to our members of Kalki avtar foundation,with the help and mercy and bounty of his divine grace, thousands of people becoming beneficiaries of this spiritual healing. https://youtube/watch?v=a6qNCnqYN2Q
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:42:49 +0000

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