Ok, I can share our day so far with you all. I hope you have some - TopicsExpress


Ok, I can share our day so far with you all. I hope you have some time to read this post because its going to be a bit long......here goes: Scott woke up very short of breath and extremely fatigued and because of this we ended up getting the wheelchair out to get us through the hospital. When we were in seeing the oncologist he confirmed that there were at least 3 new tumors we could feel and that the already existing ones were bigger than before. Then we discussed the shortness of breath and fatigue....Scotts hemoglobin was pretty good today, so the extreme fatigue is not attributed to that (at least right now). It was at this point that the oncologist out his head down and was rubbing his forehead....it was obvious that he was feeling frustrated and not liking what the cancer is doing. We then talked about the fact that the yervoy is probably not working but he wanted to do the 4th treatment because there was a tiny chance it could start working after this 4th one but that he didnt expect it to. So he is going to be calling the insurance company to get the Keytruda approved ASAP and we will start it as soon as its approved. We hope its soon because this cancer is starting to really get out of control.... We have a ct scan scheduled for Wednesday so they can see how much the cancer has grown inside and its scary to think about what the results could be. I said this in my earlier post, but Scott is not taking all this well today. As far as right now, the Keytruda is our last option and its scary to know that we are now riding on a 25-30% chance knowing that its our last chance.....honestly we are very scared. Scott looked over at me earlier and said well, were in our 11th hour, time for God to do something here. I really dont know what the future will hold for us. We are holding on to the hope that God can step in anytime and give us the miracle we want, but we are realistic to know that as of today, the sand in the hourglass is now flowing faster than it was yesterday....
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:58:07 +0000

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