Ok so Sr. Chief asked me to wrote an essay on my experience at the - TopicsExpress


Ok so Sr. Chief asked me to wrote an essay on my experience at the JSLT camp let me know what you guys think! From august 14 to the 19th we went on a JSLT camping type trip. We held the training camp in French creek state park in Reading, PA. There was 4 different school that participated one of them being an army jrotc and the rest being navy. Since it was a camping type environment we did everything from hiking to orienteering. We knew it wasnt going to be easy once we realized how this camp was going to be. When we first pulled into the camp I was still within my comfort zone because I camp a lot and Im comfortable with that type of environment unlike some of the other cadets who have never been camping before. I liked that the camp was large and that we were t looking at the same area when we were doing activities and hiking. The cabins were nicer than expected and sleeping wouldnt have been a problem if I had remembered to bring my sleeping bag. The only other complaint about sleeping was having to do watch every night. I understand why they did it but nothing happened at night in alpha camp and after the long exhausting days no one wanted to get up for watch. Since it was a Joint Service Leadership Camp we had cadets not only from Navy but from Army as well along with a retired warrant officer from the Coast Guard. This was good because it gave us a chance to learn something about the other services and how they do thing differently. For instance in the Coast Guard if someone asks you a question instead of saying the traditional no sir you would respond with silence. I also learned that in the army if you are wearing a cover you salute from youre cover not youre head. The army commands were a little bit different that the navys but it was all similar and the battalion CO was army therefore she also learned some navy stuff. All in all it was a good learning experience for not only the cadets but also the cadet command who were learning to be leaders by being but in leadership positions and taking the responsibility and learning experience head on. There was never a dull moment durning this training camp. We were always moving and doing some sort of training activity whether we knew it or not. For instance even though most of us hated watch, myself included, it taught us to be patient and responsible and showed the cadet command that they could trust their cadets. Some of the other activities like the single rope bridge helped us learn how to work as a team with people with didnt really know and how we could learn to trust each other that the rope wouldnt slip while someone was climbing across it. Then the hike tested our endurance and more team work. The orienteering course tested how we thought things out aswell as to see if we would take the safest route or the shortest route to each point. At the end of the camp the platoon games were held which included the scavenger hunt, the wood collecting, the military history and knowledge, tug of war, and the drill competition. I was Im Murphy platoon (alpha company) and we worked every well as a team. We beat eagle platoon at tug of war, tied for first in the scavenger hunt, we even came in second during the drill comp but in the end Murphy platoon won the platoon games with 13 points overall. At the award ceremony the final day we were awarded with medals for winning and I feel that even thought we were already to go home and be done with the camp it boosted the morale of Murphy platoon to finish out with a good attitude. Over all the training camp wasnt as bad as most of us perceived it. The state park and the cabins were actually really nice and we kinda got the feeling when were shoveling out the fire pits and cleaning up the camping sites that the other campers appreciated it. In the end we came home with the some Army and coast guard knowledge and we shared some navy knowledge. I would have to say that my favorited part of the trip was either the hike that we went on or after bring exhausted all day being able to sleep at night. This camp was actually very helpful and I feel that after learning some new things about leadership it will help me in my position in ROTC aswell as in school and at home. I am looking forward to being able to go back next year as part of the cadet command.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:38:10 +0000

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