Ok we were given the number 9 by our cousin Emmercelle!! - TopicsExpress


Ok we were given the number 9 by our cousin Emmercelle!! Like/comment and Ill send YOU a number and post that many facts people may not know about you! 󾌵 1. 👭 Yes, I am a TWIN and no we do not feel each others physical pain.. But almost always, we feel each others emotional feelings. 2. 󾓶 With both pregnancies, I craved Flaming Hot Lays. (Now both kids like spicy foods!) 3. 󾓏󾆖 All throughout elementary school I was a big tomboy while Edlyn was the girly-girl one. 4. 󾁄 From 99-09 I drove a lowered 00 Honda Civic with 3 TVs, a DVD player, 18 chrome rims and 2 12 subs in the trunk, WTH was I thinking?! Lol 5. 󾌩󾌩 It may not seem like it but Edlyn and I are the BIGGEST goofballs youll ever meet (if you can ever get it out of us). Were not as serious as you think! 6. 󾓉󾌧 I first met Sill at his old job before joining the Navy, Pep Boys! I went in to get my AC fixed on my Civic. We lost touch for a few years, then I contacted him on My Space then it took off from there! 7. 󾠄 Doing ANYTHING artsy-craftsy relieves my stress. 8. 󾒱 Im a big ol hermit crab, I honestly would rather be at home with my family (and some close friends) than be out partying (although once in a while doesnt hurt). 9. 😇 I have this weird need to please everyone and I HATE it when anyone is upset with me, it stresses me out! Stand by for Sills facts 󾍔󾌴
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 04:56:54 +0000

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