Okay - please read and make sure you get what I am asking before - TopicsExpress


Okay - please read and make sure you get what I am asking before you comment. I was discussing 2016 candidates yesterday and it is my guesstimate that we will have to choose between Jeb and Hillary. Please dont misunderstand this as my wish - it is my prediction. I would rather see Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Congressman Chris Van Hollen as the ticket...but I am not holding my breath. I will vote for the Dem candidate. Period. Okay - the tricky part of my question: Lets play devils advocate and say a Republican wins the 2016 election. Frankly, I would rather see Jeb Bush in the White House before any other loon they have presented this far. Ben Carson? No. Ted Cruz? No. Mike Huckabee? No. Marco Rubio? No. Rick Santorum? No. Carly Fiorina? No. Donald Trump? No. So I get that most people on my page dont want a GOP prez...neither do I, but IF it were to happen...IF...IF...IF...I would rather see Jeb. And I am NOT saying I want Jeb Bush as prez. Okay - now, what about you? I already know WHY people dont like Jeb. That isnt the question. The question I pose to you is - if a GOPer is going to take the White House in 2016, which one of the likely players would you pick?
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:27:13 +0000

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