Okay. So I know some of you may get annoyed by how much I post - TopicsExpress


Okay. So I know some of you may get annoyed by how much I post about the LGBTQ community. I just hope you know why. There is the obvious reason; that I am part of the community, but its so much more than that. I believe in changing the world. There is far too much hate. I see an astonishing amount of rejection, anger, violence, and suicide. This is not the type of world Id want to bring up a child in. I wish for a world where I can hold my boyfriends hand in public or kiss him goodnight without looking over my shoulder to make sure Im not going to get punched in the face or worse. A world where I can dress up to look pretty without fear of violence or rape. Ive seen a lot of it. My own brother told me I should seek help when he saw pictures of me in a dress. What is so wrong about wearing a bit of fabric that I happen to feel pretty in. In what way does that mean I should seek counciling. Im perfectly happy the way I am. There is a need out there. A need for all of us to stand up against all the hate and negativity. I may not be doing much by posting on Facebook but Im hoping that if by posting about the issues maybe somewhere itll light a fire under someones butt and theyll stand up too. If I can change the mind of one person I believe I am doing some good. Thank you. Also, if anyone on here doesnt like what I have to say, then please, the unfriend button is right there. Dont let the cyberdoor hit you on the way out of my life because I am so done with people in my life who just want to bring me down. For those of you who love and support me, I give you a deep and sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the reason why I can stay strong. The light of my life and reason for my hope.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:39:07 +0000

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