Okay have a huge problem. One of my dogs is getting aggressive - TopicsExpress


Okay have a huge problem. One of my dogs is getting aggressive over food. Hes never had problems with it till he became a man and he started getting mean towards him mom about sharing not bad he just started to make little growls so from then on Ive kept feeding them in different spots she eats on our picnic table he eats on a big stone by the porch and thats how theyve done for coming on a year is a guess im not real sure when his balls dropped he will be 2 in December. Anyways thats how I solved his little issue with sharing he never got out of control or got where I was scared around him but lately he started growling at me even walking by him while hes eating and he only does it while hes eating hes never done it any other time hes a big ole baby and couldnt hurt a fly well Ive now had my newest member to the family for 2 months coming on the 3rd and they love each other all of them never had problems but he started nipping this dog at feeding time and I always keep my dogs separated because of him they never eat together but he kept nipping at my new dog and hes never done that and tonight my newest dog was eating his food and my big dog wanted it and all of a sudden he just attacked my new dog really badly biting into his gums and he was bleeding pretty good but this eas his first time to get this ferocious and on top of that I went to run him off from my puppy and he turned to me and snarled and wanted to bite me. I dont know what to do with him I cant afford to get him fixed right now im not working since having my son but I thought this possibly is a male thing and wanted to know if having him neutered would stop this aggression but if having him neutered didnt work what to do because I have a child and if my dog Ive raised since birth can turn on me I dont want to chance him with my son
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:50:26 +0000

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