Okay, lets continue with yesterdays query of why you have a fat - TopicsExpress


Okay, lets continue with yesterdays query of why you have a fat loss goal. First of all, thanks so much for all the honesty. Now go back and analyze your answer. What were trying to figure out is whether or not your motivations are extrinsic or intrinsic; whether or not you would do them on a desert island with nobody around to judge you. If you have intrinsic motivations, you likely love the journey and dont see it as the cross you must bear to finally get the results that you desperately need. You thoroughly enjoy your workouts, but you dont use them as a way to continuously prove your worth to yourself and others. You love the way you feel when you eat food that your ancient genome understands, and this far outweighs the things others think you are missing by eating this way. Something would have to be very important to make you stay up late because tomorrow will bring another awesome day and you want to feel great for it. You actively manage your stress because you know that nobody can escape it and you wont let it detract from your vitality. Most importantly, none of this changes depending on who is or isnt passing judgement on you. If the population of the world were suddenly decreased to just you, you would continue to do all of this stuff, just like you would continue to bathe and brush your teeth. If you were honest with yourself when I presented you with this question, your answer and your daily commitment to your goal will tell you where your motivations lie. If, for example, you said you wanted to get back into old clothes, your motivation could be financial (you dont want to spend money on new clothes) or aesthetic (you dont like the way you look) and both of the those motivations can be completely extrinsic, allowing you to hate every minute of the journey and only staying in the game as long as you are seeing consistent results. Its the same if you said you need to lose weight for a job or if you are worried that if you dont improve your body your relationship will fall apart. Many people mentioned health and feeling better, which are excellent intrinsic motivators, but then it becomes necessary to measure the the power you have given them in your life. ARE you getting healthier night now? DO you make healthy decisions everyday because you love what those decisions produce, both physically and psychologically? Or do you feel like youre torturing yourself, living a life of ascetic self deprivation in order to finally get to someplace where you will be happy? If the process doesnt make you happy, consider some soul searching. Lots more of this stuff, and of course all the how-to lifestyle details, at my seminars (jseib), on jassafit, and on the podcast (bit.ly/1ypKj54)
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:24:56 +0000

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