Okay, this is good. The gentleman is hitting on pretty much ALL - TopicsExpress


Okay, this is good. The gentleman is hitting on pretty much ALL of the valid points we have presented in terms of actually making our Public system of TRADE, WORK to our benefit ON PURPOSE and they have it about 90 % right as well. This is from AMI (American Monetary Institute) which i am familiar with. The things they are UNCLEAR on, are the same things which Jackson and Lincoln did not recognize when they secured the creation of money on a public level and that is that its full distribution, management and ALL financial services ALSO need to be secured on a public level under our own Treasury as well, along with the RIGHT to interest free, asset backed loans to every single member of the population, with the CRIMINALIZATION of any form of PRIVATE involvement or profit involving the Public Currency or System of TRADE in order to ensure that we retain FULL CONTROL of it for the PUBLIC BENEFIT so we can REGULATE it to meet the FULL DEMANDS of TRADE which we freely and independently create, ON PURPOSE and ALL THE TIME. In short, what difference whether a dozen big thieves 3,000 miles away or 3 million little thieves 1 mile away, right now we are subject to both and who owns the little thieves ?. As stated, Jackson and Lincoln already tried what they propose with the end result we have today, so we need to not only kill the Parasite, but ALL of its Offspring and EVERY SINGLE ONE of its Eggs right down to the tiniest title loan or pawn company, in order to FULLY secure our TRADE to OURSELVES in perpetuity. If ANY private involvement in the system is tolerated whatsoever we immediately lose control. MONEY MUST EXIST AS A MEANS OF TRADE AND NOT A MEANS TO PROFIT. Profit from money = the THEFT of another persons productive effort without returning any wealth to the system in return for the profit. It is a CRIME and is EXACTLY what makes any economy UNSUSTAINABLE. 2-1 cannot still = 2 no matter how hard anyone BELIEVES that i can, neither can 10-1 still = 10. IT CANNOT BE TOLERATED IN ANY FORM NO MATTER HOW SMALL. Secondly, they are wondering about / not proposing any firm solutions, in terms of international trade. Simplest thing in the world. Once done, we will have the ONLY legitimate wealth backed currency in the entire world. If we need to trade with foreign populations, we add their wealth to our economy, pay them in our money and get them trading with it between themselves which they WILL as it will be the ONLY REAL MONEY available to them for this purpose, hence nullifying their own Debt Based Currencies. We attribute NO value to any DEBT based currency, NOR do we allow any foreign Government or Corporation to purchase anything from us with our own money, hence nullifying its value to them if they try to TAX it from their populations AND we value Gold at its actual worth of around $ 20.00 / Pound in terms of international trade. We will collapse every debt based economy in the world within a couple of years leaving those populations free to accomplish the same solution for themselves. Expect that Russia and China will have little choice but to jump on board immediately once we implement (they are trying to break away from the global banking cabal but still wanting to retain the same power over their own populations as the bankers currently have over them. We nullify the last option with our purchasing power forcing them to implement our solution), so this will make it happen even faster. To make my point, my former fiancee Aurora, who passed away before i met Darcy, was from Mexico City. 1000 + miles from the US border and most people there had never been to the US. They thought of prices in US dollars and then converted to Mexican Pesos when necessary. Imagine once we have an actual legitimate and functioning currency as opposed to the current FRAUDULENT DEBT ?. YOU DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH THIEVES IN ORDER TO TRADE WITH THEIR VICTIMS, YOU NULLIFY / CIRCUMVENT THE THIEVES. We have ALL of this shit LICKED. All that remains is the forcible arrest / removal of this miserable Private Bank / Corporate Government Criminal Enterprise so we can implement and we will have RICH, THRIVING economic function established in the very first week, along with seizure ALL of the CRIMINALS assets and FULL RESTORATION of the past 239 years of BANK THEFT to the population in order to give them the purchasing power to build our trade and production to where it should have been without the THEFT. We will see centuries worth of progress in years which will increase exponentially in perpetuity as long as we GET IT RIGHT. https://youtube/watch?v=vEU13R5jt1w&sns=fb
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:03:14 +0000

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