On November 1, 1990, the young lady that I had been secretly - TopicsExpress


On November 1, 1990, the young lady that I had been secretly dating (because her mom thought I was a bad kid) said these words to me: Lets run away, get married, and move to Houston. To which I replied: Lets go! In a few translations of the Bible, Jer 29:11 is worded to read such that it says, I know the plans that I have for you... Things didnt end well for that young couple that night. I left that young lady sitting in her car at the old Red Foods parking lot after we had gotten into a major argument just minutes later. On November 2, 1990, my buddy Heath Collins met me on the strip, and we went to eat, then went riding around for a few hours...sulking, moping, and just hating women in general! Then it happened...these girls from Woodbury started flirting with us, shouting across the road to us, waving, smiling....you know...the regular McMinnville strip riding meeting! A few minutes later, we were all pulled over in a parking lot talking...trying to see if there was any connection, etc. this went on for a few minutes, until we finally decided to all ride together.... Then, the one I likeds boyfriend (that I was unaware of) came squealing into that parking lot, and they left! Quickly! I didnt even get her last name!!! It is getting late now, and in had a 10:30 curfew even though I was 19 years old!!! But, we decided to take a few more laps before calling it a night. On one of the very few remaining laps, I look over at the red light and thought I saw someone I knew...so I waved. She smiled...and waved back. I said to Heath, wasnt that xxxxxxxx, you didnt wave at her. He replied with a laugh, I dont know who that was, but it wasnt her. The waving continued, the smiles got bigger each time we met on the road, and then Heath said pull them over! So, the next time we were beside each other (which, if you rode the strip then, you know one of us had to do some fancy maneuvering to keep passing each other to start with where the old two lane was, but it was even more difficult trying to get beside her...but I did!), I said Hey, why dont yall pull over at Red Foods! Surprisingly, they agreed. On the way there, I told Heath: I get the driver!!! He, being older, chuckled at my puppy love infatuation with the young lady driving and replied that it was okay. Because it was so late, there wasnt much small talk, it was just a mad rush to get them in my blazer riding with us. At first, Heath raised the back seat, and the driver started to get in. I looked at him with a scorn. He laughed and motioned for the passenger to get in. She did, but the driver started to follow and Heath was letting her!!! I again looked at Heath with a scorn. So, he politely asked her to sit up front with me. But, after just a few laps, I had to go home. On the final lap, I said, do you come out here often (as she was from Woodbury also)? She said...no, not often. I said, well, how about tomorrow night, are you coming out here tomorrow night? No, I go to church on Sunday nights. I said, well, I do too, but how about after church? Her friend nudged her and said Hes trying to ask you out! She inquired if that was indeed my goal, to which I, now embarrassed, said YES! 22 years ago tonight, at around 6:10, I met that beautiful lady in a church aisle, took her hand, and made her my wife. Heath was there, her friend too. They stood with us as we made our commitment to each other and to God that we would lawfully, and scripturally wed...till death do us part. Some days, I know she wonders why she did it, but, I am glad that she did. Some days, I wonder how life was almost much different in Houston, but then I realize that that wasnt the plan that God had for me. I love that young lady that stumbled into my life with all of my heart. She has been and remains the subject of Proverbs 31 in my life, and I pray that my girls will mold themselves to be just like her! Happy 22nd anniversary to the one that completes me. The one that simply waved. The one that sparkled my eye. My beautiful wife - Kristie Fay Scott Ferrell.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:41:40 +0000

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