On Saturday March 29th UROAR Pro Wrestling presented: DANGER - TopicsExpress


On Saturday March 29th UROAR Pro Wrestling presented: DANGER ZONE!! It was held at Verizon Event Center, 8718 Trouble Creek Blvd in New Port Richey, FL. Florida wrestling legend Brian Blair was among those in attendance. (1) Heartbreak Enterprise members Maxx Stardom/London Vice defeated Generation Genesis (Mitch Mitchell/Jeff Boom). “Superstar” Sean Davis was conspicuous by his absence but Michael Patrick came to ringside with is stable members. Mitchell & Boom controlled the opening minutes of the bout keeping Stardom & Vice on their heels. Their momentum stopped when Mitchell ran into a leg lariat from Stardom. The duo took over on Mitchell, with some additional help from Patrick, for several moments. Mitchell fought off defeat several times and was finally able to tag out to a well rested Boom. Boom took over on Vice & Stardom with high impact moves. Boom hit Vice with a Cutter but got saved by Stardom. Patrick Boom off as he went up top and it allowed Vice time to recover and counter the move into a devastating facebuster. (2) Shayne Swyft defeated Oliver Cain. This match was fast paced from the opening bell as both men tried to take the other down with chain wrestling before Swyft forced Cain to the floor. He followed with a head scissor from the ring apron to the floor. The match came back in the ring but Swyft’s top rope move was met with a dropkick. Cain hit a snap suplex but got two followed by a German suplex. Swyft fought back with some kicks to Cain’s head followed by ten corner punches. Swyft countered a corner move with a leg lariat for two but Cain hit a power move of his own, driving Swyft into the ropes. He followed with a top rope elbow for two. Cain went up with Swyft to the top but both men came down in a crash. It was Swyft who got in the last move with what looked like a modified Styles Clash. (3) Shawn Prime defeated the debuting Alex Chamberlain. Chamberlain is well traveled being the current Ring Warriors Bahamian champion. Prime made friends with no one as he demanded the referee be better than the one in his last Uproar match. Chamberlain began working over Prime’s left arm and shoulder despite Prime’s best efforts to make it to the ropes. Prime got some control when he used Chamberlain missing a move and driving him face first into the corner buckles. Prime locked in a chinlock which Chamberlain tried to counter but he got dropped on the middle rope followed by a legdrop. Prime hit a vertical suplex for two but his PerfectPlex was countered into a suplex by Chamberlain. But Prime ducked a punch and hit a neckbreaker for two. Prime locked in a crevat (sic) but Chamberlain refused to tap out. So Prime hit some punches in the corner. Prime went for a European uppercut but Chamberlain ducked and scored a backslide for two. Chamberlain kept on the attack keeping Prime running for cover after another suplex for two. Chamberlain went to end it but Prime grabbed the referee who collided with both men. As the referee recovered, Prime hit Chamberlain with a judo thrust to the throat and hit a spinning PerfectPlex for the cheap win. (4) Justine Silver defeated Leva Bates (as Harley Quinn) with special referee Solo Darling. Darling tried to take the rubber mallet away from Bates who also had numerous fun objects during the referee inspection. Both ladies went after the other’s wrist and arm with chain wrestling to the delight of the fans. Next came counters into headlocks by both ladies followed by forearm shots to the jaw which Silver got the better of. Bates pulled a Joker gun from her corner and fired at Silver and used the distraction to take over once more. Bates hit a jumping kick to the face followed by a slingshot drop in the corner. Bates hit a snap mare and ran the ropes several times only to drop into a rear chinlock followed by a top rope Warriors Way which she missed. Silver got on the attack with a backbreaker for two followed a straight jacket drop for two. Bates fought back with a running knee lift into a two count. Bates snapped when it was not three and attacked Silver who hit a backstabber for two. Bates grabbed her hammer and said she was done. But she ducked under the ring and came back out with a real sledge hammer. But Darling stopped the sledge shot and it allowed Silver to roll up Bates for a hard fought victory. After the match Bates laid out Darling for costing her the win. (5) Team Lucha (Cruz & Rios) defeated Eddie Graves & Aaron Agony (w/Raymond Snow). After some entertaining jawboxing the match finally began with Graves and Cruz. Graves appeared off balance with the Lucha attack and retreated to his corner for some consultation. Instead he tagged out to Agony as Rios tagged in and chopped Agony across the chest. Team Lucha made some timely tags but Cruz ended up on the short end of a move from Agony with an assist from Snow. Graves tagged in and drove Cruz headfirst into the mat with a head scissor for two. Cruz fought back with a sunset flip for two but got cut off from making the tag. Agony and Graves made several tags working over Cruz as Rios could only cheer from his corner. Agony went for but missed a shooting star press and it allowed Rios to tag in finally. Rios picked up the tempo and kept Graved on his back. But Graves fought back only to be hit with a cutter. Agony saved Graves from being pinned & Graves hit Rios with a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster. Agony tried to finish off Rios but Cruz tagged in to hit a double team kickfest. Rios dumped Graves to the floor and followed with a tope. Agony and Cruz fought in ring and it was Graves who abandoned Agony as Cruz hit a DDT. (6) Jay Lethal defeated “God’s Gift” QT Marshall. This was an interesting battle of ROH Wrestling superstars outside their normal environment. After a feeling out process Lethal hit an elbow to the jaw and a punch before a chest chop. The chop sent Marshall to the floor and Lethal followed him out with punches. Marshall fired back but ended up punching the ring post. The match came back to the ring where we saw a Lethal Combination before Marshall got dumped to the floor. Lethal held Marshall as a five year old girl and a senior citizen punched “God’s gift to wrestling.” Lethal took the match back to the ring but Marshall hit him with a clothesline that nearly knocked Lethal’s boots off. Marshall went on the attack and tossed Lethal to the floor but the little girl refused to punch her hero, so Lethal slid out and she punched Marshall. Marshall was pissed and he tossed Lethal into the ring post and dropped him on the ring apron back first. Marshall kept the pressure on working over Lethal hitting a standing dropkick for two. Marshall went to end it with a rear chinlock but Lethal fought to his feet and hit Marshall with several clotheslines. After being hit with a handspring elbow, Marshall slid to the floor but Lethal followed with a suicide tope’. Lethal got two on the in-ring pin attempt and went for a corner move but ran into a boot. Lethal fought back and scored two. He went for the Lethal Injection but Marshall countered with what could be called an inverted powerslam for two. Marshall went for the cheap win on a sunset flip counter by using the ropes but the referee caught him and stopped his count. Lethal recovered to hit a superkick and the Lethal Injection for the hard fought victory. (7) Eddie Graves won the Fast Track Rumble. By winning he has a bye to the finals of the UPROAR Championship tournament. Also in the Rumble (in order of entry) (1) London Vice (eliminated by Sorensen) (2) Shayne Swyft (eliminated by Marshall) (3)Eddie Graves (eliminated by Sorensen) (4)Jesse Sorensen (eliminated by Stardom) (5) Oliver Cain (eliminated by Sorensen) (6) Michael Patrick(eliminated by Brien) (7) Jaison Moore (eliminated by Prime) (8) Rob Love (eliminated by Moore) (9) Shawn Prime (eliminated by Chamberlain)(10) Edward Malken (eliminated by Edward Malken) (11) Maxx Stardom (eliminated by Chamberlain) (12) Vincent Lewis (13)Leo Brien (eliminated by Graves) (14)Alex Chamberlain (eliminated by Graves) (15) Evan Starsmore (eliminated by Chamberlain) (16) Aaron Agony turned into Eddie Graves (17)Jason Falcone (eliminated by Lethal) (18) QT Marshall (eliminated by Chamberlain) (19) Mike Reed (eliminated by Lethal) (20) Jay Lethal (eliminated by Graves & Snow)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 04:22:40 +0000

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