On the 10th Congressional District race: The people of the 25 - TopicsExpress


On the 10th Congressional District race: The people of the 25 counties in Georgias 10th Congressional District are indeed fortunate to have a constitutional conservative like Dr. Jody Hice running to fill the seat. Jody rises above the crowded field of candidates because of his laser-like focus on our US Constitution and firm belief that the men who wrote it gave us the keys to maintaining our freedom and prosperity, if only we respect and abide by its words and ideas. Rather than take a go along, get along attitude to Washington, Dr Hice has adopted the four question test for each piece of legislation that would be considered during his term: Is it right, is it constitutional, is it necessary and can we afford it? If any of these answers are NO, he will vote NO. Because of that test and his proven integrity, the people of the 10th district would always know what to expect from his congressional votes. Jody Hice, like the rest of us, believes the federal government has grown far over what is needed to effectively govern this country. We cant find a better example than Obamacare. Jody knows that Obamacare has little to do with health care and much to do with amassing more power in the White House. He will be an immediate champion of repeal and getting the federal government out of the health care business. Obamacare is just a symptom of the overall problem of massive, out of control spending in Washington. Jody has long been a strong proponent of the balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution and elimination of the federal income tax in favor of a Fair Tax. He will not vote to raise the debt ceiling as another leading candidate has said he will do. Raising the debt ceiling is the same as giving one more blank check to Barack Obama. We will never control Washington spending and the size of the federal government until we send people to Congress who are very serious about reining in spending. Jody Hice clearly is the person we can count on in that area. Asking someone to trust a candidate is asking a lot. How do we know Dr Jody Hice will deliver on his promises? The easy answer is to check his record. He refused to back down in the face of threats and intimidation from the radicals at the ACLU when they threatened Barrow County for placing the 10 Commandments in their courthouse. He refused to back down when the IRS threatened him for talking about good government from his pulpit. He will not be fooled by the Washington establishment because he believes in our Georgia values and will not leave them here when he travels to DC. I am as convinced as I have ever been that Dr Jody Hice is the man to represent Georgias 10th Congressional district in the next Congress. He has the record, platform and fortitude to help defeat the ultra liberal agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama. He shares our values and will not forget us while in the halls of Congress. We will be proud to tell people that Dr Jody Hice represents us in Washington so lets work together and bring that to reality. Please vote for Dr Jody Hice to represent Georgias 10th congressional district. John Douglas.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 13:21:44 +0000

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