Once again I find myself needing to post this simple but powerful - TopicsExpress


Once again I find myself needing to post this simple but powerful message...You didnt see me. Yesterday my Brother Gate Keaper was in a Motorcycle accident with a car, Fortunately he was only bruised and beat up...no broken bones, missing limbs and Thankfully not death. But how easy it could have been. In the last 20 years I have lost 10 Friends to senseless Car vs. Motorcycle accidents.....I know 10 does not sound like a lot but these 10 people were young and full of life, They Ran the gamut from true Scooter trash to Baptist Preacher (Yes they ride too) , Patch Holders and Independent. They all had Jobs, Family, and friends who wanted them around and miss them dearly. And before you spew the Some bikers ride like assholes shit on this post.....I couldnt agree more but you know what? This does NOT give you the right to make everyone else a target and The number of Car drivers that dont pay attention out number those people who ride their motorcycles like that by 100 to 1....The MAJORITY of people who ride follow the laws of the road and ride safely.....The MAJORITY of people driving cars DO NOT pay attention. We DO NOT have fender benders!!!! We get hurt if you hit us.....seriously hurt or worse!!! Why can people not understand this? How hard is it to put down your phone? Look Twice before you pull out? Not Ride our Ass? If you have to slam on breaks the most that will happen to you is your seat belt tightens...We run the risk of our rear tire coming out from under us resulting in a crash.... SMH Dave and I had 4 Close calls yesterday on a 3 hour ride in the country 2 with cars that waited to pull out directly in front of us causing Dave to take evasive measures to avoid hitting them, 1 Was a Doe...yes a deer (So close I could touch her) and the 4th a Woman in a turn lane at a light decided at the last minute (Even though she saw and heard us next to her at the light, I made eye contact) that she was going straight and cut us off so short all Dave could do was lay on the horn and lock up our brakes and the kicker.....The Idiot Flipped US off!!!! She tried to kill US yet she was mad at US...WTF???? Your car is not your office, bedroom, living room...etc... It is a Heavy, powerful, dangerous killing machine!! Please, I beg you...PAY ATTENTION!!! This could be your Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Cousin or Friends.......... youtu.be/BBNyuf533Go
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 18:49:50 +0000

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