Once again my nation is brought to shame. How in America can - TopicsExpress


Once again my nation is brought to shame. How in America can people who know they are being watched by the world act in such a way. Someone please tell me what satisfaction can be found in the picking up of a rock and flinging it into a business window? What do those knuckleheads think the world will see. What will the world see about this nation. I dont know but I will tell you what I think. To those thugs who have decided to turnover cars, light fires, fire guns and destroy property. You are the reason for the profiling that plagues the black man. You are the reason for the fear and distrust. You are the reason racism exist. You claim to desire to be treated like everyone else and yet you demonstrate that you are every bit the thug that causes the profiling. Shame on you for succumbing to the lowest standard. You thugs are the cause for the distrust felt by officers like officer Wilson. Why would you attack and burn cars. Do you think you are hurting the car? Do you think your actions are a demonstration of self control and respect for the rule of law? Do you think that your actions will change minds and hearts in your favor? No you FOOL NO. You are destroying any chance of stoping the racism that you are so angry about. You are living up to the worst example, the worst stereotype. The worst fears of the average American. As those around you implored you to stop. To be peaceful. To resist the urge to vandalize you refused and In front of the world you return to the stores of your community and vandalize, burn down and loot those very businessmen who serve you everyday. Shame on you for your actions of brutality against innocence. Shame on you for the damage you have caused to those black Americans who struggle against racism. Consider that if Las Vegas was taking bets on what would happen if officer Wilson was not indicted then the worst white racist, such as The KKK Grand Dragon, the Skinhead Nazi white supremacist all would have bet that this discussing unlawful violent behavior would happen. They would have bet that blacks do not know how to act. In fact they would have given Odds that black thugs would act just as you thugs are acting. Thanks to you few thugs and filthy animals and your disrespect for the rule of law. Those racist that claim blacks are infiorior. would have won. How is this a good thing? How can you justify your disrespect for those black men and women who fight everyday to defeat racist stereotypes? Once again you had a chance to prove that the stereotypes are wrong. But no you few thugs agitate and bring down whole. What will make it worse is that there will be those race baiters like Al Sharpton who will justify your insanity and blame the white man. One more thing... If you dont want the police to stereotype , to be aggressive, to assume guilt then POLICE YOURSELF. AND PROVE THE STEREOTYPE WRONG. AND YOUR DAM SKIPPY I SAID IT. Jerry Figueroa
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:36:33 +0000

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