One of the most difficult things to do and sustain is being - TopicsExpress


One of the most difficult things to do and sustain is being yourself. We often tell our children to always be true to themselves. As educators, we say to students that they should be themselves. We tell young people to be free to make mistakes and grow from them. But, our culture contradicts this notion. Its nothing new, I suppose. Assimilation has always been alive and well in society. Following the norm is often easier and safer. When we break from that norm, we sometimes face scrutiny and negativity. Also, one mistake can follow us forever, no matter how small, and no matter how much we grow from it. Today, I realized the ramifications of being myself. Im not surprised, but disappointed. The day started with five hours of working with students and teachers developing STAC, an initiative meant to give credence to the importance of students voices in our school. I completely believe that it can change the culture of our school, providing a better experience for everyone at Alcott. Its about being honest, and true to individuals culture. Then, an hour later, in an unrelated conversation, I learned the disappointing fact that being myself had caused my family and I significant complications. Still, I move forward, steadfast in being ME. I still have the same belief that STAC can work, that individuals can make a difference by being themselves. We are in the perfect school with the most supportive leadership. But, fighting societal expectations can be challenging. It can alienate us. It can cause us much strife. It makes me think of Jesus (who I am not comparing myself or to). Jesus was always Himself. He knew the consequences that He would face, but He remained true to his mission. I think that is how God wants us all to be. I draw much of my inspiration in this matter from the most important person in my life, Heather. First, for some twisted reason, she actually loves me just as I am. I dont understand it, but I am not going to complain. Also, she is someone so true to herself. She is honest. She is incredibly thoughtful and caring. And, she wears her heart on her sleeve. It has sometimes caused her grief, but she has not been deterred from being herself. She is an amazing example for Kensie, Max, and me. So, I move forward, inspired by others who have remained true to themselves. Aside from the people listed above, there are so many famous and unknown people through history that have impacted this world by being themselves. I also draw inspiration from them. Yet, it is easy to say on Facebook, but much harder to actually do. I am going to try to continue being myself. I am going to continue to make mistakes, learn from some of them, and try to be better each day. I will fall victim to conformity at times. I will slip, I will get discouraged, but hopefully, I will get back up and realize the importance of striving to the best ME I can be. I hope that each of you does the same. I pray that you can be the best version of yourself you can be. I believe God has a plan for each of us. He made us unique beings with varied strengths. I believe we are supposed to come together, as unique individuals, and blend those strengths to make this world a better place to be. It does not happen from conformity, but from proclaiming that we are who we are, and we are going to become better each day. If we do that, we have a chance to make abnormal the new, accepted normal, and change this planet in amazing ways.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:46:35 +0000

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