One of the nicer things about understanding freedom is you can - TopicsExpress


One of the nicer things about understanding freedom is you can usually spot a bad argument in the first few sentences, because they almost always start from a false premise right at the top. Then there are the people who trumpet these idea. Some of them get paid huge sums of money to spew bullshit. Some of them spew and spew day after day. I call those people tools. Paul Krugman is one of those tools. The thing I like most about Krugman is his consistency. Whatever big dollar interests that are paying him are sure getting their moneys worth. Hell, he might even believe the crap he spews. But spew forth he does like old faithful itself. For me, this is excellent. Because hes so consistent I can immediately skip anything he says on contact. At this point, if he said The sky is blue I wouldnt ever know that he uttered something true for a change because Id never read it. This, my friends, it what we call reputation, or BRANDING. Paul Krugman is forever branded with the words Im a tool of the rich used to keep the rest of you focused on things that dont matter and other lies so long as it divides you and hides the truth about my rich masters. Also known as progressivism, but I dont want to get too down on the left here as the right has its own spewing tools. Im just pointing out Krugman because his particular brand of BS just popped up again recently and so his name came up first, but dont worry, plenty of tools on the right. Stop being mislead by these tools, left or right. You dont need them to tell you what to think. Use your own mind.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 23:33:52 +0000

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