Other side of the Nile by: - TopicsExpress


Other side of the Nile by: Cody A. Robinson Laying in a black abyss, my body frozen of all movement, my mind shattered from the confusing thought of where I am an what has become of me. Submergered in total darkness, no sound to be concevied. Scared and alone with an unknowing end to the malice of solitude. With no feeling of a ground beneath me, I out stretch my hand in high hopes to grasp the soil; as reasurance of the realm in existance. But as I slowly unlock my arm from its paralytic state to move my hand ever so cautiously down to the earth. But theres nothing. Noting but the still cold damp air that enfolds on my whole being. As the impossiable thought of floating caresses an crupts my humanity, I panic. Screaming and thrashing, whaling at the air in horror. My bloodcurdling cries echoes into the empty blackness. Full of frear and dismay, I brake down and start to weep. As the cold tears leave my eye to trickle down my once rosey face... I shiver. And then from the black, a voice. Be still for your hear is to be judged upon the Maat. The deep mysterious voice sent an unnerving chill, tingling down my spine. The Maat?. As those words rolled off my tongue, I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. Silence mortal; you dare speak to an Neteru of the hightest order?!. The voice said in a deep brutal tone. As the voice finnished, I felt a horrofic pain engulfing my body. Screaming, as I could feel my bones twist and brake. Tears rushing from from my eyes. Then, all at once the pain leaves me. Still crying, not from the pain but from the agonizing confusion. Lost an tourchered in an unlit region of the unknown. Scared and alone. Unsure of a familar Ill ever see again. Suspended in darkness, I lay. Assumming the voice has left, I try to recall the last thing I remember, but I cant, as if all the ties of who I am, has been severed. My mind is blank. Nothing to be recall, an trace myself to here. Who am i?, I whispered to myself. An then from beneath me, a rumble. The sound started to grow louder, then it started to roar with emence power. My ears started to rattle, then from below me a light. The sound of thunder turned into a high pitch squeal. The light so blinging an the noise so emence. My mind feels like a bubble about to pop. I passout. As I start to regain consciousness, I can vaguely make out shadows. I cant move, but yet my body feels as if Im moving. As I come to full consciousness, I realize that I am tied down to a gurney-like structure. Then I gaze up at four foul looking creatures. The body of a man and the head of a black slinder dog. The four of these beings carried me, two by my feet an two by my head. I looked around. They are taking me down a tourch lit hallway. The walls are covered with egyptian hieroglyphs. And then at the end of the hallway, a large golden doorway covered with small blue gems. As they carry me across the threshold, I enter into an other trouch lit hallway. But these hieroglyphs look very unnerving. They show a man laying spread out on a table, with four of the dog-headed creatures working at the mans chest. I remained puzzled. As we came closer to another blue gemed covered doorway, the hieroglyphs now show one of the dof-headed creatures removing the mans heart. As my eyes struck the morbid scene, I began to fight the restraints that which binded me. Howling in terror for I knew I must face the inevitable malice. The dog-headed creatures that which carry me to my disembowlement, seemed to have found enjoyment in my struggles for freedom, for they tilted their heads up high an began to cackle fiercly with terrifying screeches. By the time they calmed they carried me across another threshold, into another hallway, depicting yet more morbid images. These hieroglyphs hold a scene of a heart being placed on a very large scale. Its being weighed with what looks like a feather. As we came to the end of the hallway, I began to think, Was that the what the voice meant by my heart will be judged? Judged by what? A flower? Was that large scale the Maat?. We crossed another blue gem threshold, and entered into a pitch black room. I felt hands being placed upon me and then I could feel pressure as if someone was lifting me up. Fighting was no use, for my body was aginst me an wouldnt move. An no voice my brutal tounge forsook. As what felt like lifting me up, it was to long befor it felt like placeing me back down, but upon some cold wet surface. Then, in an instant the room was engulfed with a harsh blinding light. At first my eyes began to water and unfoced to the light. the same voice from the darkness that caused me the horrable pain was talking to someone in a very old foreign language. As my eyes began focusing again I could see a tall normal looking man, dressed in a white robe with beauitful golden jewelry. He approached me. As he stared down at me, be frowned with disgust. He started to walk away and shouted something to the dog-headed being, they bowed an removed the binding from my chest. Paralyzed, i layed helpless as another strange being approached me. This one had the body of a woman an the head of a hippo. She carried over a silver tray laced with red rubys. The tray held six sharp tool like objects. The female being placed the tray in the hands of one of the dog-headed beings. They placed the tray on my lower adamend. All four of the beings leaned over me. One reached for a tool. He began draw with his fingers one my chest, as if deciding where, an how to cut. After awhile be started to move the blade to my skin. As i could feel the cold poke, I began to sweat, tears pouring from my eyes. The being drove the sharp tool into my skin. I felt nothing. Astonished, the man spoke. Fear not for pain, your body is dead. Your soul has left your world an has come to the afterlife. Your heart shall be placed on the Maat, the scales of life. It shall be weighed with the feather of justice. If your heart weighs less than the feather then it shall be devoured by the demon of souls, an your soul shall wonder in the eternal darkness forever. If your heart weighs more than the feather, then your heart shall be returned to your soul an you will live forever in peace among the gods and the others who have prevailed in life. blankminded, I stared in confusion. I didnt know what to think or how to react. While trying to comprehend everything, the dog-headed creatures removed my heart. The female being walked over with another tray. This one was empty. As she approached the dog beings, the one that held my heart placed it on the tray. She walked over to the man, and placed my heart into his hands. He then walked out of the room. The dog-headed beings backed from the table that which I was placed on. One of them spoke up, go. Confused, I sat up and walked tward the same room the man had entered. I came to a red gem doorway. I entered. I was in a room with a glowing red light coming from behind a thrown, the thrown was golded with blue, yellow, red, and purple gems. within the thrown sat the man. Come close my child. I walked toward the man. As i was in reaching distance, he held up his hand as to halt. Where is my heart? I asked. There. he said. He pointed over to an unlit corner of the room. Then a golden glowing light flashed where he pointed. The large scales appeared with my heart on the right side. The man got up an walked past me to the scales. This is the Maat he said. Nervous, I started to shake. My fate rested upon what my life has counted for, and I cant even remember who i am. The female being walks into the room with a beautiful red glowing feather, floating on a golden tray laced with red gems. She walked over to the scales, and placed it on the left side, opposite side of my heart on the Maat. Staring with nervous ananticipation. Gazing as the scale bounced up an down. Finally, the Maat has chosen my fate. My heart weighs less than the feather. I droped my head an started to weep. Suddenly the ground beneath vanishes and I plunge into an abyss of darkness, leaving me to delve the black forever.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 20:45:32 +0000

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