Our Gracious Heavenly Father, As we come to you today, Lord, we - TopicsExpress


Our Gracious Heavenly Father, As we come to you today, Lord, we ask that you would help our focus. There are so many distractions and pressing things all vying for our attention. We ask for help in making you our first priority. Everything goes so much smoother when we seek you before all else. Help us to remember that you dont call us to do things on our own. You are with us each step of our day, if we allow you to be.You promise to direct our paths when we acknowledge you in all our ways. We ask for your direction, your wisdom and your discernment for all the decisions we face, big and small, Lord. Lord, you promise to be our peace. You alone can quiet the voices in our heads...the self-doubt, the anger, the impatience, the frustration, the misunderstandings, the uncertainty and the fearful and anxious thoughts. Help us Lord to hear your voice above all those that would threaten to drown you out. Lord, we know we need you. We can only overcome with your help... with your power... your provision... your strength. We know we need you for the very breath we take and for every beat of our heart. Lord, the word dependent has so many negative connotations in this world...but to be dependent on you is not a bad thing. To be in a place of dependence on you, is the safest and wisest place we can be. Help us not to strive to do things on our own. We will surely fail and struggle far more on our own, than if we just come to you first and say, Father, I cant, but you can, please show me the way...please make a way. Lord, your word says that you have known us... that you understand all of our thoughts... that you know all our ways. Lord, we know your thoughts are above ours...you are pure and blameless and Holy. But we ask that we could know you better...that we could know you in ways weve never known. Lord, may we be so drawn to you...like a young couple in new love, who just want to spend every waking moment with each other trying to get to know each other better. May we have a hunger and a thirst for your word and to spend time with you in prayer. The better we know you, the more we will trust you. The more we trust you the more we will love you. Lord, you are the answer for every need we have. We come before you today with open arms and ask to receive all that you have for us Lord. Thank you Lord, that you will never turn us away. You are never too busy. You will never reject us. You will only pour out more of yourself as we draw closer to you. Lord, we praise you and thank you for who you are and for all you give us...for all you do for us...for all that you are preparing for us. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen Hope you have a safe and blessed weekend friends!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:19:59 +0000

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