Our Son Isaiah Had A Hard Journey Until Mothers Milk bank of North - TopicsExpress


Our Son Isaiah Had A Hard Journey Until Mothers Milk bank of North Texas ! From the Day he was born He came into the world Not breathing He had the cord wrapped around his neck and He was blue He was revived with tactile stimulation. His troubles were not over. He was screaming All the time (Day and Night) in horriable pain (There was not a day he did not scream under 8 hours until he got the breast milk at 4 months)... . He became to spit up every meal, Choking, Gassy, Hick-ups, back arching, fist clinched, Not sleeping for more than a couple of mintues at a time before screaming again along with episodes of Not breathing . Before he left the hospital he was given the dx of Gerd. However I knew this was more than Gerd. He went back to the hospital and they said I wasnt feeding him enough and oh he had colic. I Started researching I started trying to find out why my son was experience all of this pain. It progressively got worse he started loosing weight , He started spitting up/puking up everything he ate, More screaming, even after me seeking out different type of specialists (Gi, Chiropractor, Childrens hospital *3, ER *4, Multiple pedi visits as well, Even a ENT) and even with Medications such as zantac and Prilosec as well as Gas drops, Gripe water, Tylenol, teething tablets, Allergy medication and probiotics . . He started to loose weight and then he only gained 4 oz from 2 months to 4 months. He had been on breastmilk with supplementation of formula for the first 3 weeks (he had been on Gerber Good start, Gerber soothe, Similac newborn, Nutramigen and even neocate) to no avail he got worse. The Doctors were not helping me and They had no clue what was wrong with him. I wasnt going to give up. I kept researching I kept trying different things Medications, Bottles, Doctors, Formulas. He even had upper Gi With barium swallow, Ultrasound with Glucose swallow, Allergy test, and blood work and everything came back Alright. I just wanted to Know what was wrong with my baby. My baby needed healing and rest and so did we it was beyond frusterating. I started posting videos of my sons episodes to facebook to facebook groups with moms and I got lost of answers and I looked into everyone of the answers and I narrowed it down by his symptoms. Through that I did find that he had a Postior tongue tie and a upper lip tie He underwent surgery/revision for that. The revision brought some relief as in the gas was gone the hick-ups were gone and even a little bit of the screaming but the puking every time he ate was still there. I started to look into relactating.. I tried to relacte i wanted to but I knew that if i did there was a change that he could react to my medication that i was taking for my mental illnesses and He has been through enough. So I started to look into a donor.. I first sought out Human Milk for Human Babies off of facebook and I just wasnt comfortable with it as i couldnt afford to screen the milk and i so desperately wanted it to be screened so I Turned to the internet again and i started researching milk banks I came upon HMBANA and i contacted the Headquarters and got in touch with Suzanne Walling the Headquarters Administrator who then gave me a list of 3 milk banks who could help me i called all three and decided on Mothers milk bank of north texas... I got a Medical necessity from his doctor and A Prescription from this doctor.. I was excited as I wanted this to help him more than anything. Im even getting goosebumps typing this.. Filled out the personal information/financial information and sent it in and milk was sent o out that Monday via fed ex . I was thrilled. I opened the milk took pictures and posted on facebook that he was accepted and then stored it in the freezer. A little while later he was hungry.. I got out some milk and unthawed it and the moment i gave it to him he took to it he actually enjoyed it something he never did with the formula and he guzzled it down from one bottle of Donor breast milk there was a penny size spit up and that was it He actually started to laugh and play I was so happy and I was so thankful that he was not in pain.. Here it is we are 1 month and about 2 weeks 3 days from when we first started with the donor milk and there is no more pain, No more screaming, No more spitting up throwing up after each feed none period, no back arching, No fist clinched no episodes of him stopping breathing and He even gained 3 pounds and 7 oz in 1 month and 2 weeks of the donor breast milk. He went from 14 pounds at 2 months to only gaining to 14 pounds 4 oz at 4 months.. Then started the donor breastmilk and at 5 months he was 17 pounds 12 oz He is now 6 months weighing 19 pounds and is a happy healthy little boy who will continue to get his liquid Gold! My family and I are so thankful to all the hard work and time these donors and Mothers milk bank of north texas put in. Most importantly I know Our youngest little boy Isaiah is so content and happy now. Jesus led us to you and we thank you for being a blessing to us. We are so thankful tot he milk bank and donors for helping our little boy to grow and thrive for the first time Since he was born :)
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:00:00 +0000

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