The American Oligarchy is fully underway. The Billionaires are - TopicsExpress


The American Oligarchy is fully underway. The Billionaires are not enamored with the American Dream, it seems they are determined to turn it into the less wealthy nightmare. Shakespeare wrote the merchant of Venus , and Jesus turned over the tables in the Temple to minimize these same self- centered, wealthy members of society. Cheney rushed the nation into two major wars and increased his own personal wealth by billions. President Bush, took time off after his Presidency to become a painter, he had made so much money, as leader over two wars paid for off the books, and limitless amounts spent; he didn’t even need speaking engagements to support his Pension. John McCain, may not know how many houses he owns, but he does know that he and his cohort Lindsey Graham, are well invested in military industrial suppliers, and a for each Cruise Missile fired at the cost of a million and a half dollars each, his coffers would be well enhanced. Even demanding that the U.S. Bomb Iran, or Syria, or Libya, would require hundreds of missiles fired each bringing these two a handsome commission. When are these “Elected” Officials going to be concerned about the safety of America and it’s people, instead of how much they can make off of starting a war. They are called Neo-Cons, and it is time they stopped “Conning” the rest of us. “HUGE news early this morning as secret audio from the Koch brothers’ donor retreat has begun to leak … and it’s very bad news for top Republicans. Mitch McConnell was caught on tape laying out Republicans’ plans -- if they take the Senate -- to shrink the federal government and roll back every bit of progress made during the Obama presidency. He was also recorded whining about having to vote on important bills like increasing the minimum wage. What’s more: the Republican candidates for Senate in Arkansas, Colorado and Iowa all also spoke at the conference, peddling a similar message!” McConnell said that if Republicans control both the House and Senate, they will “own the budget” and attach spending prohibitions in it to “go after” healthcare, Wall Street reform, the EPA and more.1 Remember the secret donor meeting recording of Mitt Romney’s now-infamous “47%” comments? And remember how much damage that did to his campaign? Oprah Winfrey was one of a handful of Billionaires before the nation marched off to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. After the war we now have six hundred and ninety billionaires in the nation and still Detroit goes bankrupt. Senator Mitch McConnell as a Senator for over thirty years has amassed the wealth of $400 million dollars, as did Darrol Issa, now worth a half a billion dollars amassed during his term in office. Boehner, Reid and Cantor are likewise “Blessed” by being in office and gaining in wealth. The new Lawsuit brought on by Boehnner is costing the tax payers $500,000 in legal fees, as Issa’s Congressional committee hearings on Benghazi cost over $20 million. The question is when will we start to look towards the needs of the people instead of the needs of the Elected few???
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:57:11 +0000

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