WWE Monday Night RAW Results September 29, 2014 WWE - TopicsExpress


WWE Monday Night RAW Results September 29, 2014 WWE Intercontinental Championship – Triple Threat Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. The Miz The bell rings, and Miz and Cesaro quickly kick Ziggler down in the corner. Cesaro pushes Miz away and continues to kick Ziggler. Miz rolls him up for a one count. Cesaro quickly knees Miz in the midsection, sends him shoulder first into Ziggler, and hits Miz with a deadlift gutwrench suplex for a two count. Ziggler elbows him in the head, but Cesaro quickly takes him down and goes for the Cesaro Swing, but Miz hits him with a big boot. That kick causes Cesaro to catapult Ziggler into the corner, allowing Miz to pin him for a two count. Miz stomps him, but Ziggler chops the chest. Miz counters with a Reality Check attempt, but Ziggler pushes him into Cesaro, who hits him with an overhead backbreaker. Cesaro quickly throws Ziggler out of the ring and pins Miz for a two count. Cesaro scares Sandow away. Cesaro gorilla presses Miz, but Ziggler dropkicks him down for a two count. -Commercial Break- We come back from the break to see Miz attempt to roll Cesaro up, but Ziggler rolls Miz up with a sunset flip. They all take turns rolling one another up before Ziggler takes them down with a double DDT. Cesaro goes for a short-arm clothesline, but Ziggler ducks and hits a stinger splash on Miz. Ziggler dropkicks Cesaro down and hits a stinger splash on him. Ziggler then hits a neckbreaker on Cesaro while simultaneously hitting a DDT on Miz for a near fall. Cesaro rolls out of the ring to recover. The crowd chants, “This is awesome.” Ziggler hits the ropes, but Sandow grabs his leg. Miz rolls him up for a near fall. Ziggler baseball slides Sandow before clotheslining Cesaro at ringside. Miz counters a famouser into a powerbomb attempt, but Ziggler rolls him up for a near fall. Miz runs into a back elbow, but he catches him coming off the second rope. Miz goes for a Figure Four Leglock, but Ziggler pushes him into the ropes where he eats an uppercut from Cesaro. Cesaro boots Ziggler down and goes for a sunset flip on Miz, but Miz holds on. Ziggler then catapults Cesaro’s head into Miz’ nether regions. Ziggler then takes Miz down and “applies” a really poor looking Figure Four Leglock. Miz screams in pain, and the crowd is buzzing. Cesaro then takes Ziggler out with a big double stomp. Cesaro covers Ziggler for a near fall. Cesaro tries again for the same result before kicking him out of the ring. Miz sidesteps an avalanche from Cesaro before hitting his patented corner clothesline. Miz comes off the top rope into A Very European Uppercut! Cesaro punches Sandow off the apron before eating a superkick from Ziggler. Ziggler then covers The Miz for the win. Winner and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler Layla w/ Summer Rae vs. Rosa Mendes w/ Natalya and Tyson Kidd A clip from “Total Divas” of Natalya and Tyson Kidd having marital problems is shown. Tyson Kidd is then seen ignoring Natalya in the ring. They lock up, and Layla pushes her into the ropes. Layla takes her down and kicks her before bouncing her head off the mat. Natalya and Kidd are seen arguing at ringside. Layla chokes Rosa while Summer Rae takes some pictures on her cell phone. Layla applies a chin lock while Tyson Kidd puts his headphones on. Rosa knees and punches her back. Something happens and an extension falls out of one of them. Layla throws Rosa out of the ring. A brawl breaks out with Summer and Natalya. Rosa and Layla get in the ring. Layla hits the Lay Out for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Layla Dean Ambrose talks about stealing the Money in the Bank briefcase Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring with a travel bag and the Money in the Bank briefcase. Ambrose throws them in the ring and grabs a table from under the ring. Ambrose sets it up and puts the briefcase on top. Ambrose says for those that were looking for him earlier. He was in the concession stands earlier, but they walked right by him. While he was up there, he decided he doesn’t like the way The Authority runs their merchandise stands. Now we’re going to have a Dean Ambrose Clearance Sale – everything must go! Everything but the briefcase, which is priceless. During his time with the briefcase, he found Rollins’ personal effects. They were close in The Shield, but he never knew this side of him. Ambrose then asks someone to make an offer on the merchandise. Ambrose picks up his own t-shirt and cannot believe they call him unstable. Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury come out to ringside. Ambrose says, “Uh oh, they sent the cruiserweight division out to get me.” Noble and Mercury get on the apron and ask him to toss the briefcase to him. The crowd chants Ambrose’s name. Ambrose sarcastically says they’re going to have to stop being so intimidating. If they want the briefcase, they can come in the ring and get it. Noble and Mercury get off the apron, and they cowardly back up the ramp. Ambrose then says he’ll give the merchandise away for free. Ambrose wildly throws the merchandise into the crowd. Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he makes his way to the ring with Noble, Mercury, and some security guards. Ambrose says he’s busted before asking if they’re real security because he could have sworn they were rosebuds last week. Ambrose says he’s had his fun and is sorry. Ambrose tells Rollins to take the briefcase. Ambrose says he doesn’t want any problems before leaving the ring. Ambrose goes over the barricade and into the crowd. Rollins gets on the apron and stares at him. Rollins gets in the ring as Ambrose goes up the stairs of the arena. Rollins opens up the briefcase, and the case explodes green goo all over him! Rollins shakes in anger as Ambrose says he had nothing to do with that before laughing. The crowd chants for Ambrose as Rollins flips out. Rollins says he looks like a jerk before blaming it on Noble and Mercury. Replays are shown of what just happened. They even show a slow motion replay of Rollins having a lot of trouble taking his jacket off. Big Show knocked Rusev out on Smackdown. Rusev will address that later tonight. Hulk Hogan will be out later on as well. -Commercial Break- Replays are shown of what just happened with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins is complaining to Triple H, Stephanie, Kane, and Randy Orton. Kane and Orton are laughing. Rollins says his eyes are burning, so Triple H sends him to the trainer’s room. Triple H asks where Ambrose is, and Kane says the last report was he was in John Cena’s locker room. Triple H tells them to tell Ambrose and Cena they’ll face Kane and Orton later tonight. Orton is angry that they have to fight Rollins’ battles again. A loud vibrating sound is heard again. They look around and realize it’s the briefcase. Rollins runs in and says it’s an electric razor. Mark Henry vs. Bo Dallas Dallas ducks a lock up, but Henry head-butts and punches him down. Henry sends him into the corner before punching him down again. Henry talks some trash before kicking him in the ribs. Henry whips him hard into the opposite corner, and Dallas crumbles into the corner. Henry hits a body slam and talks more trash. Henry head-butts him to the corner and stands on him. Henry goes for a slingshot splash from the second rope, but Dallas avoids it. Dallas hits the Running Bo-Dog for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Bo Dallas Brie Bella vs. Cameron and Eva Marie Eva Marie will start against Brie Bella. They lock up, and Brie throws Eva to the corner. Eva runs into an arm drag, and Brie kneels on her face while applying an arm bar. Eva fights up and grabs the hair before kneeing her in the midsection. Eva sends her into the ropes, but she lowers her head and eats a kick. Brie kicks Cameron off the apron, and Eva takes her down by the hair. Eva chokes her in the corner before tagging Cameron in. Cameron stomps her before tagging Eva back in. Nikki is seen pacing at the top of the stage. They trade tags before Cameron hits a suplex for a two count. Cameron applies a chin lock as the crowd chants for JBL. Brie fights up and elbows out. Cameron knees her before sending her to the corner. Brie punches them away before booting her. The crowd chants for Lawler and Cole. Brie sends Cameron into Eva before rolling her up for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Brie Bella Los Matadores vs. Slater-Gator Titus O’Neil hugs the Reverend Jesse Jackson at ringside. Titus O’Neil will start the match against Fernando. Fernando chops the chest in the corner before O’Neil knees him. O’Neil sends him to the corner, but he runs into a back elbow. O’Neil catches him and hits a backbreaker. O’Neil hits an over-the-shoulder backbreaker before taunting the crowd. Heath Slater blind tags in and argues with O’Neil. Fernando flips through a back suplex and tags in Diego. Diego hits a head-scissor takeover. Diego hits a pair of running back elbows before chopping the chest. Slater reverses a whip, but Diego quickly comes back with a clothesline. Diego gets on the second rope, and Gator comes it. El Torito comes in, and the Gator runs away. Slater rips Diego off the ropes and pins him. Winners by Pinfall: Slater-Gator Rusev and Lana talk about The Big Show Rusev and Lana make their way to the ring as they show replays of Big Show knocking him out on Smackdown. A giant Russian Federation flag unfurls above the ring. A USA chant breaks out, and Lana tells them to shut up. Lana speaks in her native tongue before saying what they’re about to show speaks for the rapid decline of the pathetic American society. A still photo is shown of Big Show on the mat as Rusev was standing. She then says Big Show is a sore loser before showing photos of him knocking out Rusev. Big Show’s music hits, and he comes out to the stage laughing. Big Show says that was really good. Lana twisted the facts. Their propaganda machine runs well. They talk about how great Russia and Vladimir Putin are, but we all know it’s a bunch of crap. A USA chant breaks out. The thing is Lana can’t handle the truth. Big Show says he’s always wanted to say that line. The truth is what he’s about to show is what really happened. A video then shows Big Show consoling an angry Mark Henry before promising to knock Rusev out. Rusev got himself disqualified on Smackdown, but Big Show still was able to knock him out after the match. Another USA chant breaks out. Big Show goes to speak, but Rusev cuts him off. Rusev says in English, “I want to jam my fist down your throat and pull out your guts. I will bite your ear. I will kick you in your groin. Big Show, I will break every bone in your body.” Rusev finishes by speaking in his native tongue. Big Show yells that he’s talked enough. No one understands Russian. Big Show says it’s time for the Big Lebowski to go down there and knock out the White Russian. Big Show goes to the ring, but Rusev gets out and walks off with Lana. Big Show stares at them before looking at the flag hanging over the ring. Big Show teases ripping it up as Lana and Rusev scream from the ramp. Big Show grabs it and rips it down to a great reaction. Rusev charges the ring, but Big Show stops him. Rusev then backs away from the ring. Rusev then gets in, and Big Show immediately tosses him back out. AJ Lee vs. Alicia Fox w/ Paige They stand face-to-face before bumping one another. Alicia sends her into the ropes, but AJ takes her down with a head-scissor takeover. AJ clotheslines her in the corner before hitting a spinning heel kick. Alicia rolls out of the ring to recover. Paige checks on her, and AJ takes them both out with a flying cross-body block. AJ rolls Alicia into the ring. Paige distracts AJ, and Alicia hits her with a Scissor Kick for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Alicia Fox Sheamus vs. Damien Mizdow Mizdow avoids a punch and shouts about his moneymaker. They lock up, and Sheamus powers him to the corner. Mizdow pushes him away and puts himself through the ropes to keep Sheamus away. They lock up, and Sheamus takes him down with a headlock. Sheamus repeats it again before Mizdow knees him in the midsection. Mizdow applies a side headlock, but Sheamus gets out and goes for a punch. Mizdow stands by Miz and imitates everything he does. Mizdow gets on the apron, and Sheamus goes for the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán, but Mizdow snaps him off the top rope. Mizdow stomps and punches him in the corner. Mizdow slaps him, and Sheamus looks like he’s happy about it. Mizdow punches away at him in the corner before throwing him across the ring. Sheamus does it again before running into a boot. Mizdow kicks him in the face and hits a kneeling DDT for a two count. Mizdow punches away at him before applying a chin lock. Sheamus elbows out, but he runs into a knee to the midsection. Mizdow clubs away at him before the referee backs him up. Mizdow knees him in the face before backing away. Mizdow points to The Miz at the commentary table. Mizdow sizes Sheamus up, and he runs into a pair of Irish hammers. Sheamus knees him in the face before hitting a high running knee in the corner. Sheamus then throws him to the apron before hitting the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. The Miz gets up from the commentary table and helps Mizdow. Sheamus scares him away before throwing Mizdow into Miz. Sheamus throws him into the ring and hits the Brogue Kick for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Sheamus Hulk Hogan appears before the live crowd Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring to a tremendous reception from the crowd. Hogan has traded in his red and yellow for pink and black in honor of Susan G. Komen. Hogan says, “Well let me tell you something, brother!” Hogan says Hulkamania has been running wild for thirty years. He’s had some very special moments in his career, especially in Chicago, brother. Not only is it an honor standing in this ring, it’s an honor to make this huge announcement. This is the third year the WWE has teamed up with Susan G. Komen to fight cancer and save lives. He’s turned in his red and yellow because the whole WWE has gone pink to honor National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They can sit and watch the WWE Superstars and Divas. They’re all heroes to us, but the real heroes are the ones who fight this disease head on and search for a cure. Hogan asks for them to give a huge round of applause to the breast cancer survivors in attendance. They show them and some of them are moved to tears as the crowd cheers for them. Hogan says he wants all of his Hulkamaniacs to help Susan G. Komen by purchasing pink merchandise from WWEShop. The proceeds will go to Susan G. Komen and other community outreach programs. Hogan says, “Whatcha gonna do when Komenmania and the WWE run wild on you, brother?” Dean Ambrose and John Cena vs. Kane and Randy Orton John Cena will start the match against Randy Orton. A “Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks” chant breaks out. They lock up, and Orton elbows him in the face. Orton stomps him down in the corner before having a whip reversed on him. Cena hits a bulldog for a two count. Orton knees him in the midsection before tagging Kane in. Kane punches him before delivering an uppercut. Kane continues to punch him down before Cena comes back with some punches of his own. Cena hits a flying shoulder block before attempting an Attitude Adjustment. Cena collapses, and Orton is tagged in. Orton stomps him before taunting Ambrose. Orton rubs his bootlaces on Cena’s face before kicking him in the corner. -Commercial Break- We come back from the break to see Cena fighting Orton and Kane away before running into a powerslam from Orton for a two count. Orton goes for an RKO, but Cena pushes him off. Orton quickly comes back with his trademark backbreaker for a near fall. Orton kicks him in the chest before tagging Kane in. Kane big boots him down for a two count. Kane applies a nerve hold while they show a replay of Seth Rollins getting sprayed with slime earlier tonight. Cena powers out of the nerve hold and dropkicks him. Kane stumbles into the ropes before catching Cena with a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Orton is tagged in, and he stomps him before slamming his arm on the mat. Orton taunts Ambrose before stomping Cena’s ankle. Orton covers for a two count. Orton applies a chin lock, but Cena powers up. Orton kicks him before attempting a hanging DDT, but Cena gives him a back body drop over the top rope. Ambrose is tagged in, and he clotheslines Orton before knocking Kane off the apron. Ambrose gives Orton a back elbow before having a whip reversed. Ambrose comes right back with a running cross-body and some punches. Ambrose then clotheslines Orton out of the ring. Ambrose hits the ropes, but Kane pulls the leg. Ambrose takes him out with a plancha before getting in the ring and hitting Orton with a suicide dive. Orton throws him into the ring, but Orton kicks him in the face coming back in. Ambrose rebounds off the ropes with a clothesline. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds and goes for the win, but Seth Rollins runs in for yet another RAW main event disqualification. Winners by Disqualification: Dean Ambrose and John Cena Kane attacks Cena in the corner and kicks him down. Ambrose knocks Rollins out of the ring before pulling the top rope down to get Kane out of the ring. Ambrose goes for a suicide dive on Kane, but he gets hung up and misses Kane, who still goes down. Ambrose chases Rollins and clotheslines him down. Rollins knees Cena in the face, and Ambrose punches away at Rollins. Orton runs in, and Cena knocks Orton out of the ring. Cena punches away at Rollins in the corner. Ambrose jumps over Cena and punches Rollins. Cena pulls Ambrose away, and he punches Rollins. Ambrose throws Cena out of the ring and grabs the briefcase. Orton turns Ambrose around and gives him an RKO. Kane gets in the ring, and the three of them surround Ambrose. Kane gives Ambrose a Chokeslam. Orton says it’s Rollins’ call for what he wants to do. Rollins has Kane and Orton hold Ambrose up. Rollins gives Ambrose a Curb Stomp on the briefcase. Cena runs in for the save, but Orton soon takes him out with an RKO. Orton laughs in his face before Kane picks him up by the throat. Kane gives Cena a big Chokeslam. Rollins, Kane, and Orton stand tall in the ring as the crowd is still buzzing. Rollins has Kane get Cena up. Rollins hits a Curb Stomp on Cena into the briefcase. A “Thank you Rollins” chant breaks out as his music plays. Replays are shown of what just happened. The show ends
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 14:21:59 +0000

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