Over thinking clean eating, dieting, counting macros/calories or - TopicsExpress


Over thinking clean eating, dieting, counting macros/calories or what ever it is that you call eating food these days is in my opinion one way to end up obsessing over something as simple as eating food! There are so many labels for things and names of weight loss programs these days that it is hard to just stick to the basics and keep it simple. Its no wonder people are all over the shop with their goals as one minute they are counting their macros then they will hear otherwise from someone and start to count calories then they will stop eating carbs.. Aaaargh my head feels confused just typing this!!!!! Its so easy to look to people who are lean and want to be like them and follow their system yet you are not them and what works for them may not work for you. In all honesty you cant even guarantee that they are following the method that they are trying to on sell or promote! Find YOUR system and stop obsessing, real food is GOOD for you! YOU know whats good and what isnt, you know when you deserve to have something sweet or off the usual meal plan! You know when you need to give yourself a break and you know when you need to up the anti. The more you find your own way that works for you the better and more sustainable your results will be! Eating has become the biggest emotional head f#@k out there today and to really get on top of things you need to work on the psychology behind whats actually driving you and to let go of any guilt and learn to be happy within yourself!! Some tips from me to assist you along on your journey! -set realistic goals with mini goals along the way to keep you motivated! 👍 -be kind to yourself ❤️ -dont compare yourself to anyone! -prepare your food & be organized with your meals. -JUST EAT REAL FOOD 👍 -lift heavy weights 3-4 x per week! 💪 -listen to your body and be kind to it. Make sure you REST! -stop doing yoyo & crash diets and stop OBSESSING!! -eat an array of fruits, veggies, proteins, complex carbs & good fats. Never cut out entire food groups! -reward yourself when you deserve it! -do HIIT for cardio-20mins 2-3 x per week! -stick to ONE system that suits your lifestyle and caters to your needs! -surround yourself with like minded/positive people! -drink at least 3 ltrs water a day -keep a journal 💞💖 -ENJOY THE JOURNEY!! 💪 Justine xx
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 23:50:14 +0000

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