PF Cadres Insist on Violence against Sata’s Critics Patriotic - TopicsExpress


PF Cadres Insist on Violence against Sata’s Critics Patriotic Front cadres have stuck to their violent ways by re-emphasising they will sort out critics of President Michael Sata. Days after provincial spokesperson Geoffrey Chuumbwe said anybody insulting President Sata will be sorted, out another provincial officer has said no one will be allowed to speak ill of the president. Provincial deputy youth chairperson Daniel Kalembe said any ill talk about the president will be met with forceful means necessary. “We won’t sit idle and watch people insult our President, we know that they only want to embarrass him,” he said. “As a party we are tired of people abusing our President so we will now react.” PF cadres have become overt about their violent ways unleashing their force on any leader advising their leader with three opposition leaders enduring their brunt last week whilst on different visits on the Copperbelt. zambiareports/2014/04/22/pf-cadres-insist-violence-satas-critics/
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 05:16:08 +0000

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