PHARASAICAL - LEGALISTIC? TODAY AS IN MANY EARLIER DAYS WHEN SOMEONE DID NOT WANT TO BE CONVICTED BY WHAT THEY MIGHT HEAR FROM A PREACHER THEY WOULD TRY TO DISCREDIT THE PREACHER BY CLASSIFYING HIM AS PHARASAICAL OR LEGALISTIC OR SOME OTHER SUCH THING. ARE TRUE PREACHERS WHO ARE CALLED OF GOD AND REALLY FAITHFULLY PREACHING THE BIBLE PHARASAICAL OR LEGALISTIC? I know that there are preachers who brow beat and may have hobby horse things that they find in the bible that they will repeatedly harp on, and literally rail on the congregation to a fault. I also know that even though Jesus in his preaching as well as the prophets of old were sometimes negative, they were not always that way, but I know that there are some preachers who are always negative wrongly to a fault. I am not talking about that kind of situation. I am talking about those who are faithfully trying to be true to their calling and are faithfully preaching the word of God as they are told to do in 2Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Just as a simple matter of sharing WITH ANY WHO ARE SINCERE about this matter, I would ask you to simply read four chapters of the book of John, (chapters 14 through 17) and pay careful attention to the things that Jesus is saying to his disciples right before He was to offered up on the cross, and also to us, because He included us in His prayer in Chapter 17. THEN ANSWER FOR YOURSELF, WAS JESUS BEING PHARASAICAL OR LEGALISTIC IN WHAT HE WAS SAYING TO THOSE DISCIPLES AND TO US WHO HAVE BELIEVED ON HIM THROUGH THEIR WORDS?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:08:46 +0000

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