PLANT’S CAN’T MAKE ROCKS. It seems all too simple to me now - TopicsExpress


PLANT’S CAN’T MAKE ROCKS. It seems all too simple to me now that the understanding of these three simple things might have saved me from surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I was always fit, ate well, never smoked, only a social drinker and yet I still copped it in the neck with cancer. With family and friends there are movement issues, weight issues and behavioural problems that I feel can also be directly associated with these three simple things, how about you? They are: 1. Essential elements???, 2. Exercise is not always healthy, and 3. Plants can’t make rocks. Even though I have been very selective in choosing the people to receive this information and my instinct is to put it all on paper I keep being told that only about 5 out of 100 people that see this will ever read more than a few pages so I have included many references for further information. ESSENTIAL ELLEMENTS? Im going to start out here by putting a figure up on the board, the number 90, and you need 90 nutrients in your diet every day. You need 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids or protein building-blocks, and you need 3 essential fatty acids. You need 90 nutrients in your daily diet, otherwise you are going to get a deficiency disease. If you dont have them in complete numbers and optimal amounts, you get some disease. And of course we are lucky that plants, as a group, can make most vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids. Plants can do that because they just take carbon out of the air, and make carbon chains, and make vitamins and amino acids, and fatty acids. But you have to eat 15 to 25 different plants a day in the right combinations to make this happen. Theoretically its possible, but most Americans dont do it. EXERCISE IS NOT ALWAYS HEALTHY The last medical ka-ka we want to look at, before we get into the longevity stuff, is exercise. How many of you have ever heard that exercise is good for you? You’re asleep at the wheel if you haven’t heard that one. Well, if that were true, people who exercise should live longer than people who are couch potatoes, right? The average couch potato in America lives to be 75.5, the average athlete, depending on the sport and the level of competence, lives to be 62 to 68. So there is something wrong with this theory that exercise alone is good for you. I want you to think about Jim Fixx, who died in 1984 at age 52. Jim Fixx was running 10 miles a day from the early 60’s believing that if you ran 10 miles a day seven days a week you could live to be over 100. And he refused to take vitamins and minerals because he believed he would muddy the water and he wanted to prove that it was the exercise that helped you live to be over 100. And so he refused to take any vitamins and minerals and trace minerals, and when he was 52 years old he had 5 cardiomyopathy heart attacks. Five Selenium deficiency heart attacks in his 52nd year. The 5th one killed him. When they did the autopsy on Jim Fix, they said “Gosh, his arteries are as clean as a newborn baby’s”, but he had a huge technical problem, his heart was dead. Doesn’t matter how clean your arteries are if your heart is dead it doesn’t matter, does it? And you look at people like Jesse Owens. Won 4 gold medals in track and field in the 1936 in Berlin, died at age 66. The Flying Finns were the Olympic team for track and field for Finland during the 20’s and 30’s. They dominated 3 Olympics in a row. Won most of the gold, most of the silver almost all the bronze medals during those three Olympics and two in the late 20’s and the first Olympics in the 30’s. They dominated everybody. None of them lived to be 70 years of age. Well here’s the last one on exercise before we get into the longevity. Dr. Michael P. Artise, 38 years old, was also a runner, and this guy ran all through Junior High and High School, and college and medical school, and when he graduated he still loved exercise and believed it was good for you. And he tried to carry this love of exercise to his patients so he gave them a 10% discount on his medical services if they would run with him 2 weeks out of every month. Now this particular fateful day, Dr. Michael P. Artise, 38 years old, was jogging with a big group, gallery of his patients, kind of like Forest Gump, running down this road, and he collapsed and died in front of his horrified patients. But it was billing week, so nobody stopped to give him CPR because they didn’t want to lose that 10% discount on his services. (Minerals are lost in the sweat of athletes faster than they are replaced. Unfortunately for me being a soldier and a student of Aikido I was fit and active for most of my life.) PLANTS CAN’T MAKE TOCKS Now minerals are another story. We have a tragic story when it comes to minerals, because plants cannot make minerals in any way, shape or form, and if theyre not in the soil anymore, theyre not in our plants. US Senate document 264 is from the 74th Congress, second session, and it says that our farm soils and our rain soils are depleted of minerals. And the crops, the grains, and the fruits, and the vegetables and the nuts that are grown on these depleted farm and rain soils are minerally deficient, and the people who eat them get mineral deficiency diseases. The only way to prevent and cure them is with mineral supplements. (Minerals are essentially rocks, plant’s can’t make rocks. For example one mineral is thought to be made from the collision of two sun like objects billions of years ago we call it gold. Colloidal gold mineral function is to reduces joint inflammation) To listen to the full talk by Dr Joel Wallach, B.S., D.V.M., N.D. please go to: youtube/watch?v=-UJndzneQUY If you listen to the full talk by Dr Joel Wallach titled “Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie” you will hear him discuss various diseases like: Arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Stroke, Hyperactive Children, Cholesterol and Heart Disease plus many others, all in relation to missing minerals and what can be done about it. He goes onto discuss how our earliest farmers acquired their mineral supplements which I find all very simple, logical and very interesting. Or Google: “Dead Dr’s Don’t Lie. By Dr Joel Wallach” Dr Joel Wallach has also written a number of excellent books including “Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie.” With these books he directly relates nutrient deficiencies to 900 various diseases. Citing how these problems have been successfully addressed in the animal feeding industry over the last 50 years and how he has easily adapted these principles to humans. CANCER I had throat cancer and the treatment was terrible. There are several mineral deficiencies associated with cancer but the best advice the best advice that I can give is the Healthy Body Anti Aging Pack plus extra Selenium. These Utube presentations may help. SKIN CONDITIONS youtube/watch?v=SorbMNn3Rec Doc Cancer youtube/watch?v=SAKnNU4zeCY youtube/watch?v=WT4REJXTlpo youtube/watch?v=PsRV0YlMA3s Peter Glidden Cancer youtube/watch?v=WBwt2pVPJL8 Doc& Benny Hinn Cancer If you would like to look further at any of the products or healthy packages please go to my online youngevity shop at: 101298864.my90forlife/ If you would like to join me in the fight for our health, please join me in the Facebook group: Warrior Immune System. I hope that this is of assistance. Grant McGuinness 101298864.my90forlife/
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 09:12:52 +0000

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