PLEASE PUT ASIDE ALL DISTRACTIONS AND PRAY TOGETHER NOW. Dear God, Creator of the universe. Please help us to end the animal holocaust. We ask that you give great power to The Nonhuman Rights project. They are bringing a court case to ask for non-human rights for Tommy the chimp who has been in a dark shed, alone for 30 years. This would be groundbreaking for all animals if they succeed. Let them win the case dear God, they have worked on it for 7 years. We see horrible cases of pet abuse every day, unimaginable horrors, setting animals on fire and deliberately running over dogs. Grant that we can have justice in these cases, and an end to these crimes. We also need justice for the wild animals being murdered in the name of sport. Bring about a ban on all hunting and blood sports. We ask for your protection for those on the frontline. Anonymous, ALF, Hunt Saboteurs, Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd. Give them the courage to go forward, and not back down ever! . Help us to stop the roundup of wild horses. 70,000 stand in government holding pens. Poorly fed and exposed to the elements. No shade in the burning heat of Nevada summers, or freezing winters. Guide us and give us the power to end the use of wild animals as a form of entertainment. Please continue to expose the false ones, posing as animal activists, who are making money from the suffering of animals. The campaign around Sunder was full of falsehoods, and they still lie that he is not in chains. We ask that you bring to ruin anyone who collected money for Sunder under false pretenses. Also bring to justice Lisette Whiters from Knysna, who is now on the run. She was found guilty of elephant abuse. She is yours to deal with. Save the cow and calf and all farm animals. Speed us on to the vegan world that we long for. Give us vegans the power to deal with the suffering we see every day, and to turn it into direct action for the nonhuman animals. Let us see the day when animals are granted non-human animal rights. Let the eyes of the people be opened to the suffering they have created. Show the arrogant ones, thinking they are superior, that they themselves are animals. Make the money of animal abusers become worthless. Our hearts long for the peace of the new system, where love will rule the earth. Let us return the world to your purpose, a beautiful garden of peace and joy, with the fruit trees bearing fruit and nuts in every season. Where the air and water is pure. When there will be no more pain or outcry, and you will wipe away all the tears. Where there will be no need of sanctuaries, because all living things will be free. In Jesus name. amen.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:00:28 +0000

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