POLITICAL IMPROV The “R” Word ©2013Donna White-Davis July 15, - TopicsExpress


POLITICAL IMPROV The “R” Word ©2013Donna White-Davis July 15, 2013 Do you ever wonder where these conflicts began? I am writing a new novel about the 19th century and have recently finished some research that perhaps all of you should as well. The concept of “race really stems from the nascent scientific beginnings where humanity was just beginning to understand the effect of genes in reproduction and , as with all human study ,were both amazed at all they were learning and their amazement blinded them to the possibility they were also getting some things wrong. “Race “is one of the things they got wrong. Also, as with all new scientific ideas, they were used by economic and social advantage to the few and powerful, or the many and rebellious, either at times in history could prove good for humanity or bad. So initially the idea of five separate races with attributes genetically defined seemed to serve as an excuse for those who wanted to use the others for profit or power. We all know about those phenomena. So “race” became the excuse for horrific injustice. We have now lived and studied and researched ,and prayed long enough to know the fact that “race” does not scientifically exist and the generations between Mendel’s basic publications of his theories and today have given a body of evidence that character and intellect are not merely genetically created nor are they “race” specific. That is a fact. And today “racism “ is exhibiting itself on all sides of the complexion continuum. Because it was used for injustice in the past, people are errantly teaching that it is an excuse for violence in the present. Inside or outside of the courtroom that is not only intolerable it is detrimental to a peaceful society that we all pray, dream and work for. I don’t know about you but I have been in a court case where I presented all of the facts and had the decision go against the weight of evidence as I saw it. I am of light complexion. I was disappointed. It effected my life and my children’s lives. But I didn’t want to harm someone else unjustly because of that decision. I applied to try to improve the justice system because, as imperfect as it may be, it is far better than street vengeance of history. Speaking of which, that violence is often cited as an historic “justification” for violence in the world today. Each of us, each religion, culture, and hue of complexion can find a point in history to justify using violence, unfortunately. That creates a world without the law where life and death is decided in an instant. Believe me that violent system creates more irreversible mistakes than even our imperfect but perfectible legal system. The horrors of the post-Civil War, the period I am currently researching for my book, are filled with examples of tragedy caused by street justice. And, to my amazement, the victims were not merely the people of dark complexion. The color of complexion alone could not have been the variable. If not what was? In Ohio , for instance, from 1885-1907 there were 1930 lynchings, most were for cattle rustling or “highway men”. In all: 77 were “white” 50 were “black” 14 were Native American 5 “unknown” 1 Chinese In Oklahoma from 1888-1968 five women were lynched 2 were “black” 2 were “white” I unknown What does that suggest? That the crime of lynching took place largely in an atmosphere of lawlessness, without the benefit of even an imperfect court system. That the teaching of the 19th and early 20th centuries that the “races” actually do exist and that certain attributes apply to them was at issue rather than a hatred of one hue of complexion or another. And , quite possibly , lynching was being used to prevent any co-mingling of the complexions in order to support the misguided science of “racism”, thus any person ,of any complexion , of any gender could become a victim by their behavior of intermingling. Today ,with the world broadened, we know that people come in all varieties and those varieties can and do create intelligent, talented, beautiful children. Through the generations since Mendel, we have proven that. The issue is over. “Race” is not a scientific term. It should not be used in any rational argument of justice or fairness in a democracy. If not what should be used? The person and the way that person takes responsibility for living in a free and peaceful society. The choices that person makes to improve the imperfection of the courts not discard them to street violence and worse injustice. The President of the NAACP, Mr. Jealous, stated”WE need to become lawyers, to become judges” and in so doing used a “racist” determinative term Afro-Americans. The Immigration issue is being couched in “Latino” terms as if Latinos, who come in all complexions, were a separate “race”. Until all of the demographics, all of the justice organizations, all of the media, drop ”race” and “racism” from the debate and use a definition of “We” as all of us who want to live responsibly in a just and free democratic republic the inequities and injustice will continue. Those who want it to stop are those like this child who chooses to represent his complexion with responsible loving acts that end fear instead of fostering it. It is then the “r” word will finally be stripped of its power.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 20:06:01 +0000

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