POLITICAL SCIENCE TEST 3: COMPARATIVE POLITICS & THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Paper 2 Section A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section – A ------------------------------ Directions: Attempt any five questions. Questions 1 & 5 are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section. 1. Comment on the following in approximately 150 words each, 10 marks each. (10 x 5 = 50 marks) (a) Cultural Politics search alternative narratives and provide new narratives in hinterlands and peripheries. (b) Almond & Powell model is a comfortably formulated descriptive model that assumes to embody abstract principles of virtue. (c) Underdevelopment is causally related to the process of development in the West. (d) Not all the social movements of today are necessarily new. Comment. (e) Contrast the features of third world party systems with western counterparts. 2. (a) Realism has been under serious theoretical attack yet it is too soon to talk about the demise of realism. (20 marks) (b) Give the relative benefits of hard power over soft power? What is fast power and smart power? (15 marks) (c) International relations is not only about state to state relations but also about transnational relations. Comment. (15 marks) 3. (a) Welfare and not security is the primary goal and concern of the state. Comment. (20marks) (b) Can a liberal world with more democracies and higher interdependence escape the perils of anarchy. (15 marks) (c) Are counter terrorism frameworks based on suppression and military force effective in responding to terrorism? To what extent global efforts in the past have been effective in tacking terrorism? (15 marks) 4. (a) Explain the international politics of climate change and what is the present position of China? (20marks) (b) Explain New Delhi’s position on food security at WTO negotiations? (15 marks) (c) Assess the achievement of international community in project of gender justice since fourth world conference on women in Beijing? (15 marks) Section – B ----------------------------------- 5. Comment on the following in approximately 150 words each, 10 marks each. (10 x 5 = 50 marks) (a) Prisoner’s dilemma. (b) Security dilemma (c) Pre-emptive wars (d) Nuclear deterrence (e) ICC 6. (a) Critically examine the importance of Morton Kaplan’s system approach for the study of international politics. (20 marks) (b) Compare complex interdependence with structural realism. (15 marks) (c) Explain the relevance of balance of power in present times. (15 marks) 7. (a) Explain the factors responsible for disintegration of USSR? To what extent crises in Ukraine can be considered as the consequences of disintegration of USSR? (20marks) (b) What are the challenges faced by nuclear non proliferation regime in our times? (15 marks) (c) What are the achievement and failures of NAM? What is its contemporary relevance? (15 marks) 8. (a) Compare the level and nature of regional integration of EU with that of ASEAN. (20marks) (b) What is the contemporary relevance of UN? Do we need more UN or less UN? Give arguments in support of your answer. (15 marks) (c) Why SAARC is one of the weakest example of regional integration? Predict the future of SAARC. (15 marks) ------------------------------ *** THE END ***
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:47:30 +0000

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