PRESS BRIEFING ON THE DISSOLUTION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES AND APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM ADMINISTRATORS, BY THE HON COMMISSIONER FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION YILJAP ABRAHAM AT GOVERNMENT LODGE JISHE ON 11TH SEPTEMBER, 2013. All Executives of the NUJ. My precious colleagues, Good afternoon to you all. Gentlemen of the Press, You are aware that activities leading to the Local Government Elections in Plateau State have already started. They were kick- started by PLASIEC with an announcement on the 2nd of September, fixing the date of election as the 7th of December, 2013. Electioneering by political parties actually started on the 3rd, on Tuesday and would last to the 6th of December. Subsequently, we have seen it necessary as a Government to take further steps to concretise our plans and our commitment to our people of Plateau State and to the strengthening of Democracy at this level. As part of Government’s determined efforts to deliver on its commitment of free, fair and credible elections at the Local Government level, Governor Jonah Jang has approved the dissolution of the Management Committees of the 17 Local Governments of Plateau State. The main reason is that this step will give a level playing ground to all actors interested in seeking offices in the councils. You may be aware that some of the Local Government Management Committee members and Chairmen are also interested in taking part in that election. Governor Jang has therefore sent out his appreciation to all Management Committee Chairmen and the Councillors who have served the State in those particular offices for the past one year eight months. Today, the Governor, through the Deputy Governor, Mr Ignatius Longjan met with all the outgoing Management Committee Chairmen of the 17 Local Governments, announced the dissolution to them and expressed the deep appreciation of Mr. Governor for the services they have rendered and the critical roles they have played in strengthening the administration of Plateau State. He wished them well in their future endeavors. On the other hand, Governor Jonah Jang has approved the appointment of Interim Administrators for the 17 Local Governments. They are made up of career Civil Servants, like Permanent Secretaries and Directors. We have 8 Permanent Secretaries and 9 Directors, and their names are as follows: Habila Dung goes to Barkin Ladi Local Government as Interim Administrator; Ezekiel Afong, Shendam; Sanda Matawal, Riyom; Izam Azi, Jos East; James Dalyop, Mangu; Vou Dido, Qua’ an Pan; Mrs. Dorothy Myesgin, Kanam; Hulda Fwangchi, Pankshin; Emmanuel Bimtet, Jos South; Moses Nwan, Jos North; Emmanul Gogwim, Kanke; Dr. Elias Pede, Mikang; Hannatu Dantong, Bokkos; Julius Shinkur, Bassa; Abdul Zakari Haruna, Wase; Danzaki Rimdap, Langtang North and Christopher Bello, Langtang South. The Deputy Governor met with these Interim Administrators today and addressed them on the responsibilities that the State expects them to shoulder. There is going to be no room for failure, there will be no room for excuses. We are aware that the challenges before them are going to be very daunting, but they have the responsibility on behalf of Mr. Governor and the people of Plateau State to deliver on the mandate they have just received. They will see to the smooth running of these local governments, work with critical stakeholders toward conducting the local government elections and eventually hand over to those who are elected. Gentlemen of the Press, we would like to let you know that the handing over and the taking over between the outgone Management Committee Chairmen and the Interim Administrators should be done within 24 hours. By tomorrow, they are expected to be completely in charge. We like to continue to give this assurance that the issue of security will not deter the Plateau State Government from conducting free, fair and credible elections. As a matter of fact, we are more determined now, and seeing too that there is peace that has been restored in the State, we are determined to strengthen this peace and to continue to build on it. We call on politicians to play the game according to the rules, not to tamper with the peace that we currently enjoy and to exercise every form of maturity and diligence in their campaigning. We call on the citizens of Plateau State to ever remain alert until we totally foil the plans of those who may not wish to see us continue to live in peace and to enjoy the gifts that God has given us in this State. Thank you very much for your cooperation and for your understanding. Question: Considering the fragile situation in Jos North, are you hoping to conduct elections in Jos North? If you are, what measures are you putting in place to ensure a repeat of November 28th, 2008 does not happen? Commissioner: I want to make it clear that the 17 Local Governments of Plateau State are being prepared for elections. There is no local government that would be looked as facing such a peculiar situation that we would not want to conduct Local Government Elections there. We want to see the local governments as being equal to Plateau State, and that it is even better now to conduct Local Government Elections. On the security arrangements, the heads of security agencies are working on a comprehensive and robust plans that will meet the challenges we have come to know about every local government. Secondly, Government and the security agencies held series of interactions with stakeholders from the areas regarded as flash points. Right across the board, people have had opportunity to speak their minds. We have learned from our mistakes, we know our strong points, we know the opportunities that face us and we are prepared to take advantage of those opportunities to let the people of Plateau State, including Jos North, to know that this is their time to get it right. I want to also let you know that government will not tolerate a situation of impunity. Anyone who feels aggrieved by anything that has to do with the conduct of elections, indeed any aspect of our lives, should follow the path of honour and approach the courts and get whatever relief that he can have from the courts. We will not allow a situation where people take the law into hands in order to redress whatever grievances they feel they have. In addition let me let you know, the crisis in Jos particularly, has not brought any good to anybody. We have suffered collective pain and losses, it has been colossal. We do not want to go back to those days, and the people of Jos North are themselves better prepared now to deal with any person and any group who would not want them to rebuild their lives and to prosper in the state. They themselves are better prepared, but it will take our collective determination to build up the whole State, and the State Governor has the capacity, he has what it takes to ensure the peace in Jos holds out. Question: To start with, it is a thing of joy that the election is eventually being conducted in the 17 Local Governments. What would this election cost the State Government, what is the estimated amount of money to be expended? Commissioner: I understand. Talking in terms of naira and kobo, we are placing what is beyond naira and kobo into this election. We are placing the integrity of Mr Governor and the Government and the fact that this Government is owned by the people of Plateau State. So we await PLASIEC to bring in a budget that will allow us to see how much will be required to prosecute the Local Government election. The State Government is determined and would do whatever it can in terms of investments to ensure that the task is done well. I cannot put a figure to it because PLASIEC is also working on that kind of figure and we would have it eventually from PLASIEC. Question: You are talking of elections in December 7th, and right now there are cases of gunmen attacking some rural areas, left and right. What is the State Government doing to bring all these forces at work before the D- day? Commissioner: Your question is just similar to what Jude asked about Jos North. We have had pockets of attacks, but we should look at these cases as criminal cases by criminally - minded people who attack communities without any provocation at all. And we are saying that we have sufficient manpower, and we have the will and right now we are working on strengthening the logistic areas of the security services to enable them to deliver on their mandate in the State. The change of guard between Major General Henry Ayoola and Major General David Anniete, as Commander of the Special Task Force signals to us that we are getting into another phase of conflict resolutions in Plateau State. The in-coming Commander is building on what he has found on ground, and he is expected to get us into a very critical point that we have to see total disarmament and total peace in the state. We have taken a number of measures and that is why we have been able to foil some of those attacks that have occurred, especially in the Southern Zone of the state, and that is why we have been able to also get some results by arresting some of those we have suspected of taking part in criminal activities in some other parts of the state. Many of those arrested have been investigated and taken to court. We are also working with the people themselves, getting them to be aware of their own responsibilities too to their own security will give us some more results. There will be no reason for people to fear going out to exercise their franchise. We are determined to get over this. We don’t want to be held hostage by this issue of insecurity, no! We are breaking out, we are determined to have results. Question: What happens to the offices of the Permanent Secretaries now that they have been given another responsibility; is it the dual responsibility they are going to assume, or will they hand over? Commissioner: Not at all. It is not a dual responsibility. Right now as I am speaking to you, the Interim Administrators are at a meeting with the Head of Civil Service who is giving them further briefs. You know they are career Civil Servants, they are putting a lot into this. They are expected to guard the names that they have had which has led to their being appointed, sworn in as Permanent Secretaries in the first place, so they are expected to move out quickly. You would find some of them moving out as early as 7-8 o’ clock tomorrow morning to their various places of assignments to take over, but handing over and taking over should be concluded by Thursday the 12th of September, 2013. We have a pool of equally qualified officers to hold brief for them while they are on this all-important assignment. Question: I want to ask if whether the Interim Administrators are from their local governments and what assurance are you giving the people that they will not detour from their responsibility? Commissioner: Not all administrators have been posted back to their local governments of origin. Some have been posted to their local governments of origin quite alright but some are going to other local governments. Now these are career Civil Servants, they have a lot to lose, much more to lose than politicians or political appointees if they do not conduct themselves well. The integrity of the State Government is at stake, their own personal integrity as well, because when they finish this job they are coming back to the service to continue with their career, and we do expect them to peak at some point when they are leaving the service and we expect them to leave the service without any stain. So the people of Plateau State should take it to heart that Governor Jonah Jang and the Government of Plateau State are determined to give free, fair and credible elections and this administration will have no other choice than to deliver on this mandate of satisfying the people of Plateau State as far as their democratic aspirations are concerned. Question: Who are those who are going to stand for them? Commissioner: Right now as I have said they are at a meeting with the Head of Civil Service. You would also note that where maybe a Director has been taken from a Ministry, the Permanent Secretary may not have been taken, though in some instances you find a Permanent Secretary taken and some Directors taken but that will have to be a very large Government structure. So we have people who are on ground, we have other Directors, we have Deputy Directors, we have Secretaries, so the moment anybody is lifted up or taken out, the system just adjusts itself. It has a self - adjusting mechanism, everybody knows his level. You can’t be a Director and not know where you stand, you can’t be a Deputy Director and not know where you stand. The machinery of Government will not be crippled, the machinery of Government will always function. I will miss my Permanent Secretary on your behalf! Question: Sir, I am seeing a contradiction here. The level of applause the State Government is giving the out-going Management Committees, when you compare it with the time limit and the agreement of hand over, it is like you are driving somebody away having served one year eight months you say to hand over within 24 hours, don’t you see a contradiction to that? Commissioner: We do not see that. Elections are governed by rules and unless we go according to those rules, some of them who are interested in going back to seek those same offices will run foul of the electoral law. You know that there is a specific period if you are working that you are supposed to resign, so if you don’t observe that and you go to elections, you end up with cases before the tribunals and you will be disqualified, so it is actually also to their own advantage that they hand over quickly. Question: From your dissolution, where they surprised, I mean did they have any premonition? Commissioner: This is a very interesting question which I noted when I was there and I can just read to you what I wrote: “They looked relaxed and cheerful. They were really appreciative of what the State Governor has done to them by giving them all this time to serve together with Governor Jonah Jang in this administration, and they have expressed their determination to continue to serve the people of Plateau State. They have also expressed their willingness to be called upon anytime in any capacity to serve once again”. I did not see anybody with his hand on his chin or his head in his hands. We ended up with a lot of laughter and a lot of jokes, so if it is a matter of surprise I would be surprised if they were surprised. Why? Because they knew that at the time of appointment, they were just to have been in office for about 3- 4 months - then the elections, they they have gone pass the expected time limit to this point, you know it is almost as if they had been elected into office. It is like a big bonus, they were most thankful. Question: Is the Local Government Elections just for the Local Government Chairmen or Councillors inclusive? Commissioner: We are having Local Government Council Elections, so Council has the Chairmen and Councillors, that is what makes up the Council. Thank you very much.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 08:36:22 +0000

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