PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “Faiths Defense against the Offense of Criticism and Rejection Invading the Domain of Faith” By Moses Hightower These words came unto me, I am the mighty God and the everlasting Father, the Father of lights, your God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You have inherited the riches of Christ, and by faith, you are already an overcomer and more than a conqueror. Lift up your eyes unto the purpose, and behold the vision fulfilled that was spoken and manifested to you years ago. This conference is the conference that I spoke to you about. Now shall I pour out to others what I have poured into you. I have many things to say unto the people; therefore, do not draw back from prophesying. I must speak unto the people concerning things in the Spirit that I have shared with you. Lift up your eyes and behold my faithfulness. I have not brought you here to dash you against the stones of the shores of this life. I have brought you to this place in time for my own glory. Be humbled before men and me because of the grace and favor that is with you. Lift your head up in praise, but forever be humbled that I have allowed you the restoration of all things. You are living in the realm of miracles. Now allow my Spirit to minister, and you shall behold mighty things that you do not know. Lift up your eyes again and behold the anointing oil of the spirit being poured upon you. I have ordained great victories for you, your family, and the local congregation. Do not be discouraged by the onslaught of criticism and rejection that is invading the realm of faith. Faith is not shut off from the invasion of all these things. Faith is secure. It survives and overcomes in all these things. Faith cannot be destroyed, nor defeated. Faith is speaking in you. Allow faith to continue its voyage. Its voice has charted its course and its nature has sprung forth to blossom as the victor. Do not be disturbed by all the charges that are against you, for these are the things that naturally come to those who have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Lift up your eyes again and behold the nearness of my coming. I am in love with my church. Now will you see the evidence of love in a demonstration that you have not seen. Look unto me, the author and finisher of your faith. I have many blessings for you to behold. . . * PROPHETIC INSIGHT By Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA – Faiths Defense against the Offense of Criticism and Rejection Invading the Domain of Faith When Nehemiah was building the walls of the city, the enemy said that a fox walking on it would cause it to fall. It does not cost the enemy anything to criticize or ridicule. It cost the Lord everything to love and save us. We will not hearken to the voice of criticism. Faith tells us that the wall and building that God has built will stand in the wind and the rain. Our God is the Almighty one who does everything beyond the power of this world to destroy. We are living in critical times. The emergency room of the spirit is on high alert. Many miracles are happening. Many may stand and ridicule the methods and operations, but they are not making any effort to help. They are disqualified from being any part of the solution. If people are not part of the solution, then they are part of the problem. We must stop allowing our mouth to be part of the problem and be part of the solution. We have been sent to speak in an hour in which the people are wise in their own eyes. Discouragement should never be able to arrest the words that are like fire in our spirit and mouth. Faith has already designed the floor plan of the pavilion of power that we will live in during these last days. Faith will debate the losers, and they will be silenced by the living proof that will be demonstrated in the lives of all of Gods true people.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:28:58 +0000

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