PROVERBS 2 US PRAYER ROAD TRIP... FIRST THROUGH THE INDIAN TERRITORY SOUTH OF TULSA TO TEXAS... it took a bit longer than I hoped but it is done... the LORD is faithful... I thank YHVH ELOHIM... and know what He has began he will finish...I thank HIM money come... IT IS PUT INTO M Y HANDS FOR THE NEXT LEG OF THIS PROVERBS 2 US ROAD TRIP... nothing can steal it or divert it...delaying YHVHS will plan and purpose.... Testimony... after the GPS began taking me toward OK CITY... which I did not want to go to map another route... and there met Daniel.. and young man, husband and father of 5...we began speaking and he shared with me the exact and precise way to get to the Indian Nation Turnpike, and I spoke with him about Jesus and being ready for his soon return... we parted both refreshed and encouraged... I pray for him and his family to Know Jesus and his will for their lives and endure to the end... The LORD supplied what I needed to begin the trip from the purchase of the van, making it into a camper... putting new tires on it... etc... He then provided to fill the tank which took almost $86 .... gave me a GPS... and money for toll roads which came to almost $6.. When I got near my destination...I had to put more gas in and the money was provided for that.... I then went to use the Wifi in McDonalds to call where I was headed to let them know where I was and why running about an hour late... At McDs I met a family and began talking...I asked them about their relationship with Jesus... and they spoke of their faith in Jesus... and they placed the call for me to a friend from old...Rita...I had not seen for many years, having met in Florida, now living in Texas ... both eager to meet... she came to meet me at a local WalMart parking lot... and led me to her house ... What a blessing to see you... still the same but more mature in Jesus... living it...walking not just talking the faith.....the LORD has richly blessed her and her husband Larry ... it is such a blessing to meet up with them and see they are a living memorial to our LORD and Savior... and to listen to what he has taught them.... revealing truth to them... giving them discernment and courage to stand for him no matter what....and knowing he has equipped them to face the times in which we live seeing they are confident of his faithfulness no matter what comes... Kay
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:37:50 +0000

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