PSALM 25:9The meek will He guide in judgement: and the meek will - TopicsExpress


PSALM 25:9The meek will He guide in judgement: and the meek will he teach His way. My Beloved, It takes meekness to access revelation in the Word of God, as God is only commited to teaching and showing only the meek His way. So, the quality of your meekness will determine the depth of secrets you enjoy from Him. But He giveth more grace. Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble JAMES 4:6. According to Apostle Peter in 2Peter 1:2, Grace and Knowledge mean the same thing. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. That is, the more grace you have, the more knowledge you have. If God gives more Grace to the humble, it means they also have more access to knowledge, which sparks off light. Mosese life epitomizes this fact. Not only did God speak in Moses ears, He also appeared to him face to face in EXODUS 33:11. I consider this to be the highest form of illumination. God Almighty Himself decleared His readiness to reveal things to Moses in Numbers 12:8. No wonder he could write about the story of creation. No one was there when God created the earth, but He revealed it to Moses, who in turn wrote the first five books of the Bible. The foundation for Moses outstanding access to light lies in His meekness. He was the meekest man on earth according to Numbers 12:3. With humility at work in you, God will lead you in the right way. However, if you arrongantly think you already know all there is to know, and begin to justify yourself against God, you simply hinder the entrance of the light you need to get to a higher level in life. It takes humility to recieve the wise counsel of elders. Humility is the secret of divine speed, because God Almighty will show you the way out on what to do and how to do it, to get a glorious testimony. Meekness is the key to great height in the World of exploit and champions. Glory Be To God.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:06:11 +0000

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