PTP: Serious Seller with complete security information on the - TopicsExpress


PTP: Serious Seller with complete security information on the account S>> League of Legends account Rank: Plat V, 58 points Rune Pages: 15 Rune collection is vast, take your pick, nearly complete Garena lvl: 73 Garena energy: 1282 IP: 6339 total amount of skins: 124, some can only be claimed through events (i.e Silver Kayle which can only be claimed if and when you cosplay) -- Ill be leaving enough RP for a free change name Skin List: *(2)Ahri - Midnight, Foxfire *(3)Akali - Stinger, All-Star, Blood Moon *(1)Alistar - Longhorn *(2)Amumu - Emumu, Sad Robot *(1)Anivia - Bird of Prey *(2)Annie - Goth, Reverse *(2)Ashe - Sherwood Forest, Queen *(3)Blitzcrank - Boom Boom, iBlitz, Piltover *(1)Cassiopeia - Desperada *(1)ChoGath - Loch Ness *(1)Corki - Red Baron *(2)Darius - Bioforge, Woad King *(1)Diana - Dark Valkyrie *(1)Dr. Mundo - Rageborn *(2)Draven - Soul Reaver, Gladiator *(1)Elise - Victorious *(2)Ezreal - Striker, Frosted *(2)Fiddlesticks - Spectral, Fiddle Me *(1)Fiora - Royal Guard *(1)Fizz - Fisherman *(1)Gangplank - Spooky *(2)Garen - Sanguine, Steel Legion *(1)Graves - Riot *(2)Irelia - Nightblade, Frostblade *(1)Janna - Hextech *(2)J4 - Darkforge, Warring Kingdoms *(1)Jax - Vandal *(1)Jaye - Debonair *(2)Karma - Sun Goddess, Traditional *(4)Katarina - Kitty Cat, Red Card, High Commander, Sandstorm *(2)Kayle - Silver, Unmasked *(2)KogMaw - Jurrasic, Deep Sea *(1)Leblanc - Prestigious *(3)Lee Sin - Traditional, Acolyte, Dragon Fist *(1)Leona - Valkyrie *(1)Lucian - Hired Gun *(1)Lulu - Wicked *(3)Lux - Sorceress, Commando, Imperial *(2)Malphite - Marble, Obsidian *(2)Master Yi - Chosen, Samurai *(1)Miss Fortune - Road Warrior *(1)Mordekaiser - Pentakill *(1)Morgana - Blade Mistress *(1)Nasus - Riot *(1)Nidalee - Headhunter *(1)Nocturne - Void *(1)Orianna - Gothic *(1)Nunu - Demolisher *(1)Pantheon - Perseus *(1)Poppy - Noxus *(1)Quinn - Phoenix *(2)Rammus - Ninja, Fullmetal *(1)Renekton - Bloodfury *(1)Rumble - in the jungle *(1)Ryze - Tribal *(2)Sejuani - Darkrider, Traditional *(2)Shaco - Royal, Workshop *(2)Shen - Yellow Jacket, Blood Moon *(1)Shyvana - Iron Scale *(1)Sion - Barbarian *(2)Sivir - Warrior Princess, Bandit *(2)Sona - Guqin, Arcade *(3)Soraka - Dryad, Divine, Celestine *(1)Swain - Northern Front *(1)Syndra - Justicar *(1)Taric - Armor of the Fifth Age *(1)Teemo - Cottontail *(1)Thresh - Championship *(2)Tristana - Riot, Guerilla *(2)Trundle - Lil Slugger, Traditional *(1)Tryndamere - King *(4)Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts, Magnificent, Tango, High Noon *(1)Twitch - Gangster *(1)Udyr - Spirit Guard *(1)Urgot - Battlecast *(2)Veigar - White mage, Superb Villain *(1)VelKoz - Battlecast *(1)Vi - Neon *(2)Vladimir - Count, Blood Lord *(1)Volibear - Runeguard *(1)Wukong - Jade Dragon *(1)Ziggs - Mad Scientist *(1)Zilean - Groovy asking price is 4k, negotiable, strictly meetup or if youre gonna push the money transfer idea, then money first... sorry but no trades, reason for selling will be provided below email address password as well as security information for the account and the email will be changed upon meetup: security question and cellphone number for both the email and the garena account, of course I will be paying for the rent when youre changing the info provided that its gonna be an hour or less For Meetups: if youre from Pasig were meeting up in SM Megamall or Sta. Lucia buyers choice if youre from Rizal were meeting up in Sta. Lucia if youre from Cubao, Gateway Mall ang meetup RFS: need to buy my dad a new cellphone for his upcoming birthday, already spent more than 10k on this account all Im asking for is 4k, the skins alone will tell you, if youre not convinced you can check the top-up history pm me for interested buyers thank you P.S The name of the account shall not be revealed to avoid reporting and potential ban due to public selling.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:19:22 +0000

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